A Peculiar People

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Friday, December 12, 2008

Chief of Sinners
Is it just my imagination or is this the most mud-slinging election season on record. Throughout history politics has been a nasty business, but this year seems particularly brutal, on the local as well as national level.
In order to understand any ancient manuscript – the Constitution or the Bible for instance – a little common sense would go a long way; unfortunately common sense is anything but common. If we really wanted to honor the manuscripts we hold dear, we would not twist the meaning to meet our own agenda, we would consider the religious, political and social setting in which the writing was penned.
In addition we would consider the character of the penmen. In their wildest dreams our founding fathers could not have imagined, “freedom of the press,” as a defense for internet porn. If they could have seen into the future I wonder how they may have reworded the Constitution.
As you know, our founding fathers wisely built a wall separating church and state. It is agreed upon my most that this wall was designed to keep government out of religion, not religion out of government.
A mute point, nevertheless, here we are, the world neck deep in a cesspool of immorality looking for political solutions for spiritual problems. (LOL) Some politicians do speak out of both sides of their mouth; to their shame they play the religious card for votes. But just because some candidate has a little spiritual backbone it is unfair and unreasonable to brand him as a hypocritical scoundrel.
Just once I would love to hear some politician say; “Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—of whom I am the worst.” (1 Tim 1:15)


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