A Peculiar People

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Friday, December 12, 2008

Cultural Blinders
Contrary to popular opinion, outer-space is not the final frontier, death is. The hypothesis that there is life after death, and that we will meet God in judgment has both fascinated and frightened mankind from the beginning of time.
Throughout recorded history every culture, every society, every civilization, has believed their religious tradition is right and therefore pleasing to God. The evening news often shows Middle Eastern religious zealots swaying in hypnotic rhythm while flagellating themselves for the glory of God. Men so fearful of a God they don’t understand they can convince themselves they would rather see a woman in a burka than a bikini.
Our predominantly Christian heritage has no right to get uppity. The spirit that prompted the crusades and the inquisition stands in stark contrast to the nature of Christ. Christians have also fallen prey to the misguided notion that harsh treatment of the body somehow glorifies God.
Without a doubt Christianity has spawned its fair share of lunatics. Some men cloister themselves away in monasteries. These men read a few books, take a vow of celibacy and poverty, then don religious garb, stroll in the marketplace and delight when people fancy them “enlightened.” “They talk a good game,” Jesus said, “but their heart is far from me.” (Matthew 15:8)
Men from all religious camps have broken away from their host group and embraced hedonistic pleasures; some have even incorporated sex into their worship service. Pride keeps men from seeing the religious absurdity of their actions. It is pride that originally poisoned the spiritual lifeblood of mankind and the antidote for our tainted blood-line is humility. Just what does God require of us? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with Him. (Micah 6:8)


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