A Peculiar People

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Location: Toledo, Ohio, United States

Friday, December 12, 2008

Dating Scene
I’m sure the dating scene in Toledo is the same as it would be for any city its size. Meeting someone is never the problem, especially nowadays with the internet. There are chat rooms and dating sites in abundance. Type in your zip code, search within a hundred mile radius of your home and you will have hundreds of potential partners to chat with. You can even narrow your search according to your interests, everything from Christianity to kink, and everything in between have their own web-sites.
The difficulty arises from what I call the Seinfeld Syndrome. I’m making reference here to the television sit-com known as “Seinfeld.” The stand up comedian Jerry Seinfeld, and his side kick George Costanza (Jason Alexander) never seemed to have a problem meeting and dating attractive women. But without fail some small annoyance would cause the woman to be rejected. During one episode Jerry was dating a woman who “scooped her corn giblets, but ate peas one at a time,” drove Jerry crazy. Another very attractive woman had what Jerry called “man hands.” Funny stuff on a sit-com, and like all situation comedies it is the element of truth that makes us laugh.
Like a drug addict hunting for his next fix, the intoxicating allure of love drives us on. What extraordinary lengths we travel, what enormous heights we scale hoping to find the magic of romance. Our hearts ache as we hunt, hope, and daydream about finding that special someone, our soul mate.
With such a strong desire for success why is the road of life littered with relationship corpses that have expired in their youth? Finding a partner is difficult under the best circumstances, God forbid if you pick your nose or fart.


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