A Peculiar People

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Friday, December 12, 2008

Where is Wisdom Found?
Most would agree that, “The Bible isn’t a textbook for public education.” (Russ Lemmon, 9/17/06). If a school board decides to teach the bible and the bible only, I would wholeheartedly agree with Mr. Lemmon. However to offer a course in “Religions of the World,” would be most fitting, and necessary in a high school setting if we hope to offer a well rounded education to our young.
Educating our young is a process of preparing them for reality. To study the history of world religions doesn’t need to be a soul saving crusade, but could be viewed instead as a fact finding mission.
If we could instill in our youth a critical thinking process, the ability to evaluate a problem by applying careful and sound judgment, devoid of prejudice and unrestrained emotion our society would benefit. That won’t happen without the free and unencumbered flow of ideas and beliefs.
America is the great melting pot of civilization; we work and play with people from all cultural and religious backgrounds. With the world unraveling at our feet some are suggesting we invite our Muslim and Jewish neighbors over for a cup of tea! It’s about Jesus, the Son of God, nailed to a tree. All the tea in China will not change that.
The bedrock of eternity is found on the hill of Calvary. The vocal point of eternity is the Cross of Christ. Wisdom begins with the fear of God.


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