A Peculiar People

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Location: Toledo, Ohio, United States

Friday, December 12, 2008

Mothers, lock your doors and hide your daughters, the United State Senate plans to study the affects of pornography on society.
Zoologists have studied and documented the mating habits of every animal on land and in the sea, everything from the Aardvark to the Zebra, from the Ameba to the Hump-back Whale.
Entomologists have likewise studied the reproductive cycle of all manner of creepy crawly critters from the Black Widow Spider to the Testis Fly.
Cultural archaeologists continue to pursue an understanding of ancient peoples and their lifestyle including their sexual attitude and habits.
Sociologists have kept data on how every conceivable family unit affects it members. Children from single parent homes, dysfunctional homes, the middle child syndrome. You name it and someone has studied it.
Human sexuality is no different. Didn’t the Senators ever hear of the Kinsley Institute or Master & Johnson?
Dr. James Dobson and Focus on the Family is only one of many spiritually motivated organizations that has studied this issue. They all offer dire predictions.
The internet is being called the crack cocaine of pornography addiction. No longer can a parent shield their children from sexual explicit material. It has become impossible to hide from this cancer that has invaded society. Even the quaint Norman Rockwell looking country village has this poison cursing through its veins.
Let me save you some time fellas, here’s the conclusion of the matter; “Fear God and keep His commands.”


Blogger Unknown said...

Pornography is devastating and we need to be vocal in the church about it. Thanks!


2:08 PM  

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