A Peculiar People

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Friday, December 12, 2008

Our Declining Morality
“Our Declining Morality.” That headline preceded an editorial (12/18/07) that was nothing short of ludicrous. For the editor to suggest our next president will need to be a leader that will chart a new path and help the United States reclaim its place as a beacon of moral behavior is laughable.
The United States exports pornography and violence in the guise of entertainment, we dismember babies while still in their mother’s womb, the death penalty is alive and well in our judicial system. This is a dog-eat-dog country if there ever was one; we don’t even love each other enough to design a reasonable, workable national health care system. Add to the things mentioned; homelessness, crime, drug abuse, sexually transmitted diseases and teen pregnancy and you will begin to see how ridiculous the thought of America’s moral superiority really is
So many of our neighbors in the industrialized world, especially our European cousins, hate us. Well, hate is such a strong word; let’s just say they really, really, really don’t like us. Why should they, we insult them with this superior moral attitude and imply they are immoral, uncultured, ill-mannered barbarians, while we are so refined and civilized that the rest of the world wants to be just like us…ah, the ugly American.
Our problems run much deeper than a debate about waterboarding terrorist suspects. The very soul of this nation is in crisis, the ill’s that affect this country are only symptoms of a spiritual cancer that show no signs of remission.


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