McCain - Palin
I’ve got to hand it to Rose Russell; she is quite the insightful political pundit. Ms. Russell’s first though when Sarah Palin stepped onto the stage at the GOP convention was, “Girl, would you please get a grown woman’s hairdo?” What might you suggest Ms. Russell? A Jerri-curl, classic Afro, or Cornrow. Heaven forbid we judge someone by the color of their skin, but the cut of their pompadour, yeah that’s okay.
September 11, 2001. That bright and shining September morning overwhelming despair gripped our nation. One common sentiment express by many following the attack was: “Thank God George Bush is in office.” Some predisposed in their religious thinking went so far as to say President Bush was predestined to hold office at that juncture in history. How soon we forget. Oh sure, we’ll honor that day with memorials and candlelit vigils. Then with the benefit of 20/20 hindsight resume lampooning President Bush.
The price of freedom is blood. Freedom from sin, or freedom from tyranny, the cost is the same — blood. John McCain knows that better than Barrack Obama. But honestly I hold this against both political camps; their lack of serious consideration and recognition of biblical prophesy.
Barack Obama’s oratory skill won’t mean diddly when confronted with the twisted theology of some crazed religious fanatic, or the wild-eyed ideology of the blood thirsty dictator, those to whom logic and reason are foreign concepts.
By the way Ms. Russell I think Ms. Palin’s hair is fine, in fact I think her whole package is just fine. Jack Kelly closed out his column the same day yours was printed by projecting himself into Joe Biden’s shoes and saying; “If I were Joe Biden I would be very, very afraid.” Amen to that, Jack… amen to that.
I’ve got to hand it to Rose Russell; she is quite the insightful political pundit. Ms. Russell’s first though when Sarah Palin stepped onto the stage at the GOP convention was, “Girl, would you please get a grown woman’s hairdo?” What might you suggest Ms. Russell? A Jerri-curl, classic Afro, or Cornrow. Heaven forbid we judge someone by the color of their skin, but the cut of their pompadour, yeah that’s okay.
September 11, 2001. That bright and shining September morning overwhelming despair gripped our nation. One common sentiment express by many following the attack was: “Thank God George Bush is in office.” Some predisposed in their religious thinking went so far as to say President Bush was predestined to hold office at that juncture in history. How soon we forget. Oh sure, we’ll honor that day with memorials and candlelit vigils. Then with the benefit of 20/20 hindsight resume lampooning President Bush.
The price of freedom is blood. Freedom from sin, or freedom from tyranny, the cost is the same — blood. John McCain knows that better than Barrack Obama. But honestly I hold this against both political camps; their lack of serious consideration and recognition of biblical prophesy.
Barack Obama’s oratory skill won’t mean diddly when confronted with the twisted theology of some crazed religious fanatic, or the wild-eyed ideology of the blood thirsty dictator, those to whom logic and reason are foreign concepts.
By the way Ms. Russell I think Ms. Palin’s hair is fine, in fact I think her whole package is just fine. Jack Kelly closed out his column the same day yours was printed by projecting himself into Joe Biden’s shoes and saying; “If I were Joe Biden I would be very, very afraid.” Amen to that, Jack… amen to that.
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