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Friday, December 12, 2008

Defend the Truth
Men of God defend the truth from opinion and speculation. Gentleness and diplomacy are always preferred, but not always possible. The modern day image of Jesus as an effeminate Tiny Tim look-alike, flashing a peace sign and tip-toeing through the tulips has no basis in Scripture. Consider Christ’s blistering diatribe against religious hypocrisy.
The pages of history are saturated with spiritual madness. Our existence – from beginning to end – is documented in Scripture as a battle between good and evil. So how should Christians react to the social upheaval sparked by the unflattering caricatures of the prophet Mohammed?
Some souls are fragile and need to be handled with great care. Others are poisoned by hubris, pride rules their heart. No amount of logic, reason, or good old fashion horse sense will allow some people to genuflect at the altar of truth.
The three big world religions – Islam, Hindu and Christian - are not all equally valid.
Christianity, after all, is designed to be a proselytizing religion, commissioned to seek and save the lost. You’re not a narrow minded bigot to recognize that.
If the claims of Jesus are true, then the cross of Christ is the focal point of history. The decision you make concerning Him carries eternal ramifications, and nothing else truly matters in the end.
Battlefield earth is engaged in a fight to the death with spiritual forces of wickedness. We will never find political solutions to spiritual problems. The sooner people grasp this, the better off our world will be.
Militant evolutionists continue to miss the link between fulfillment of prophesy and the reliability of Scripture. Like it or not, the final curtain call on this drama of life will close with Christ victorious.


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