A Peculiar People

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Friday, December 12, 2008

The Meaning of Life
Did man come into existence by evolution or intelligent design? Is sexual orientation born or bred? Does life have meaning and purpose? Is destiny fixed or flexible? Are we running headlong down the corridor of time into eternity merely as unwilling participants in a crap-shoot of random chance? Are we masters of our fate or hapless pawns in a cold and heartless universe? Ah…to be… or not to be? These troubling questions taunt, tease and torture the mind of man. Questions that refuse to be ignored, will not be silenced, and cannot be answered.
Cursed by conscience, burdened with the reality of death. The prospect of eternal judgment weighs heavily on our hearts and wars against the very fabric of society. The evils of life such as, crime, broken homes, sexual immorality, drug addiction, hatred, discord and the like are only outward manifestations of the turmoil warring within the heart of man, our moral compass has gone awry.
Is there a God? This question encompasses all the others and is the only query worthy of sleepless nights. No one can declare with absolute certainty that God exists, but we can be reasonably confident by empirical, prophetic and historic evidence that He does.
Of course we have this whole Jesus thing to contend with as well. His claims boggle the mind. The words spoken by the Angel of the Lord to the shepherds on that first Christmas morn still delight and fascinate the burdened soul, "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord.” Halleluiah and Merry Christmas.


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