A Peculiar People

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Friday, December 12, 2008

Spiritual Lobotomy
Can anyone seriously envision a time when our world will be living in peace? Can you conceive of a time when brotherly love will rule the world? Tolerance and respect. Heartfelt concern for our fellow man, that’s not asking too much is it? Even after 2000 years of Christian influence we just can’t seem to get there.
Our human family needs to undergo a radical transformation if we are to survive. A spiritual revolution so intense, so extreme, the metamorphosis could only be caused by what I’ll call a spiritual lobotomy.
Any hope for this procedure to be successful lies in the hands of the Great Physician. We definitely need divine intervention. The foolish notion that we will someday find political solutions to spiritual problems needs to be shelved. That’s what got us into this pickle in the first place. Godless living. Not necessarily evil as such, just living with no regard to the will of God.
As I’ve said before, I now say again. This idea that mankind can, and will, someday lift himself up by his own bootstraps is ludicrous. We are hell-bent on self-destruction, the nations of the world rage. True peace will never be won from the barrel of a gun.
If the signs of the times are pointing to the Battle of Armageddon, and the Second Coming of Christ, I cannot say. One thing for sure, the world is not ready for that day.
America can still rise to the challenges ahead, take the reins of moral leadership, reestablish the compass heading toward a loving God. Talk is cheep, graffiti is easy, we need to start loving people.


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