A Peculiar People

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Location: Toledo, Ohio, United States

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

The Meaning of Life

Did man come into existence by evolution or intelligent design? Is sexual orientation born or bred? Does life have meaning and purpose? Is destiny fixed or flexible? Are we running headlong down the corridor of time into eternity merely as unwilling participants in a crap-shoot of random chance? Are we masters of our fate or hapless pawns in a cold and heartless universe? Ah…to be… or not to be? These troubling questions taunt, tease and torture the mind of man. Questions that refuse to be ignored, will not be silenced, and cannot be answered.
Cursed by conscience, burdened with the reality of death. The prospect of eternal judgment weighs heavily on our hearts and wars against the very fabric of society. The evils of life such as, crime, broken homes, sexual immorality, drug addiction, hatred, discord and the like are only outward manifestations of the turmoil warring within the heart of man, our moral compass has gone awry.
Is there a God? This question encompasses all the others and is the only query worthy of sleepless nights. No one can declare with absolute certainty that God exists, but we can be reasonably confident by empirical, prophetic and historic evidence that He does.
Of course we have this whole Jesus thing to contend with as well. His claims boggle the mind. The words spoken by the Angel of the Lord to the shepherds on that first Christmas morn still delight and fascinate the burdened soul, "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord.” Halleluiah and Merry Christmas.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

God's Rottweiler

Former Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger has ascended to the throne of St. Peter and has taken the name Pope Benedict XVI. His conservative, old school stance on issues like abortion, homosexuality, women priests and birth control has earned him the nickname “God’s Rottweiler.” He is now the top dog, head honcho, the man Roman Catholics call Holy Father. (See Matthew 23:9)
No weatherman in his right mind would claim infallibility. We know from logic and empirical evidence weathermen can be wrong and often are, so keep an umbrella handy.
Not so with the pontificate, people will ignore scandals and disregard history, gladly laying their eternal souls at the foot of a man elected to office by other men. To believe the pageantry that recently surrounded the Vatican has somehow removed the stench of the child molestation scandal from the Catholic Church goes beyond being shortsighted right into total blindness.
The cross of Christ has placed us all on a level playing field. Within the pages of the Bible are the answers to man’s most pressing concerns. You can be as close to God as you imagine the Pope is.


Wow! What else can be said about the Tsunami that devastated Asia. When the final body count is tallied the number of victims will have reached well into six figures. Wow!
The magnitude of human loss; the anguish and suffering of the survivors is beyond comprehension.
The age old question begs to be asked. If there really is a God, one that is all powerful and loving like Christians claim, why then did He allow this tragedy to happen?
Terrorist attacks, war, crime, and all manner of man made evil are just that, man made. Gospel preachers can point to the free will of man as being culpable. People seem to understand that.
How can I defend my theology, my belief and my understanding of a good and loving God in the face of a natural catastrophe the likes of which most of us have never seen?
This Tsunami tragedy will surely strengthened the agnosticism of some. If there is a God, they will reason, He is either uncaring, unloving or unable to intervene in the affairs of men. Your doubt is understandable, even, I dare say, reasonable.
Speculation on my part, and a buck-and-a-half in your pocket will get you a cup of coffee, so let’s go to Scripture. Why be surprised and questioning about events Jesus predicted would happen? Fulfillment of prophecy should inspire belief. Following are some excerpts from the 21st Chapter of Luke: “There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven. Nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea. Men will faint from terror, apprehensive of what is coming on the world, Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.” Thus saith the Lord.

Monday, December 12, 2005


For those of us who work outside the mental health profession I think a good layman’s definition for the word psychopath would be, “a person without a conscience.” Over the years we have adopted a narrow understanding of that word. We normally reserve the label “psychopath” for mad dictators and serial killers. Those men certainly fit that classification, but so do men willing to traumatize children to fulfill their own sexual hunger. Psychopaths are individuals who have no compassion, no empathy, and no concern for other people.
When we use this broader definition it’s plain to see society is nurturing a subculture of psychopaths. Instead of children having soft and pliable consciences, many are hard and calloused at a frighteningly young age.
When we try to silence the voice of God and methodically remove any mention of Him from our schools, workplaces and town halls we only hurt ourselves. The more we try to ignore the reality of death and judgment the more ungodly society becomes.
Unbelievers offer no apologies when they ridicule and mock God. Bold and arrogant these men refuse to believe they will one day kneel before the judgment seat of Christ. In an atheistic society there is no concern if some activity is right or wrong in the eyes of a God to whom we must give account. The only question in the mind of an unbeliever is if the activity is legal or illegal, and if it’s illegal can he reasonable expect to get away with it?
Ethics, morality, manners, integrity, virtue, and godliness, these concepts are ludicrous in a godless society. Repentance and godly sorrow become ridiculous and absurd as well. The judgment of God is coming and He will not delay. Today is the day of salvation.


Mothers, lock your doors and hide your daughters, the United State Senate plans to study the affects of pornography on society.
Zoologists have studied and documented the mating habits of every animal on land and in the sea, everything from the Aardvark to the Zebra, from the amoeba to the Hump-back Whale.
Entomologists have likewise studied the reproductive cycle of all manner of creepy crawly critters from the Black Widow Spider to the Testis Fly.
Cultural archaeologists continue to pursue an understanding of ancient peoples and their lifestyle including their sexual attitude and habits.
Sociologists have kept data on how every conceivable family unit affects it members. Children from single parent homes, dysfunctional homes, the middle child syndrome. You name it and someone has studied it.
Human sexuality is no different. Didn't the Senators ever hear of the Kinsley Institute or Master & Johnson?
Dr. James Dobson and Focus on the Family is only one of many spiritually motivated organizations that has studied this issue. They all offer dire predictions.
The internet is being called the crack cocaine of pornography addiction. No longer can a parent shield their children from sexual explicit material. It has become impossible to hide from this cancer that has invaded society. Even the quaint Norman Rockwell looking country village has this poison cursing through its veins.
Let me save you some time fellas, here's the conclusion of the matter; Fear God and keep His commands.

Pope John Paul - My Ol' Fishing Buddy

Recently our human family laid to rest one of her favorite sons. Pope John Paul II, dearly loved and highly respected leader of the Catholic Church has gone to his eternal reward.
He has been called a good man, a great man, a man of peace, a brilliant man, a heroic man. I have no problem with any of those assessments of his character. His absence left a void in our hearts, he was, if nothing else, a likeable guy. If God would have saw fit to give the time-space continuum a little tweak John Paul and I could have been fishing buddies. I would have valued his friendship.
However when we begin to use adjectives like holy, pious, saintly and so forth to describe a human being, no matter who he or she was, we are on dangerous theological ground.
We go from bad to worse when we begin praying to these people. The notion of “patron saints” has no basis in Scripture. Actually we could use the Bible to make a strong argument against it.
We humans are so easily blinded by glitz and glamour, so easily swept away in the current of our own religious imagination. The more pomp the more piety we reason. The teaching and example of Jesus will guard us from error, but only if we let it.
If the next Pope is half the man John Paul was we’ll be lucky, but please remember he is just a man. Christ should be our example, not the Pope, no matter how beloved.

Phantom Addictions

Two frightened little girls escaped their captor alive and physically unharmed. Their parents thank God. A city breathes a sigh of relief. And another pedophile is placed behind bars.
How can we stop this madness? How can we help a man end the downward spiral of sexual obsession and compulsion before they harm anyone, including themselves?
No one is able to offer an easy solution. We understand physical addiction well enough. Most Americans do the zombie shuffle straight to the coffee pot every morning. Many, like myself, with a guttural groan that would make Belle Lagosie proud.
We understand craving. When you put some kind of chemical in your body, things like, alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, prescription or illicit street drugs you may become addicted. We understand that a habit may develop, and society has a reasonable degree of success when dealing with substance abuse.
What I call phantom addictions are far less understandable and extremely difficult to treat. Addictions to gambling and pornography come to mind. Young girls with eating disorders. Mankind has a smorgasbord of phobias, sexual fetishes, superstitions and idiosyncrasies.
Our human family is relentlessly attacked with a myriad of mental and emotional madness. Depression drives many to suicide. The human mind is trapped in a complicated maze. Many are lost in this labyrinth of confusion. Jim Morrison of the Doors sings of our “fragile eggshell mind.” The Bible simply calls us “lost.”
It seems so obvious to me that, “Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” (Ephesians 6:12b) The cure is in the blood of Christ.


People have expressed in various and clever ways the idea that all religions are basically equal; just different paths that lead to the same mountaintop. Once there, everyone has the same view. This teaching is called multi-theism and is nothing new.
No one would be happier than I if that teaching were true; however no amount of wishful thinking will make it so. Jesus did not talk about many paths but one; a narrow path which only a few find.
Jesus claimed himself to be the way, the truth and the light; no one gets to the Father but by me. (John 14:6) There is no other name under heaven by which men must be saved (Acts 4:12). To teach otherwise is akin to calling Jesus a liar and the Holy Writ hogwash.
Jesus was a peace loving man, but said “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.” Since Jesus taught love and non-violence we can be certain this analogy points to division of family and friends because of Christ. Jesus went on to say, “a man’s enemies will be members of his own household.” (See Matthew 10)
I know the way of salvation according to Scripture; I’m certain of it. According to Scripture, these three little words need to be the bedrock of our salvation, nothing more and nothing less.
When you know the way of salvation you will automatically, by way of default, recognize falsehood. Everything we need to live a successful life in relationship to God can be found in Christian Scripture, a.k.a the Holy Bible, the Word of God,
Conversions happen when a person catches a fleeting glimpse of the nakedness of his sin sick soul, when the fear of eternal judgment grips his heart and mind. If the individual has money their religious guide may lead them towards philanthropy and altruism. Charitable deeds are good, but should be the fruit of salvation not an attempt to secure it.
Some men who are passionately religious make tragic errors in judgment and recruit warriors for their god. They kill and maim trying to please a god created in their imagination.
If on judgment day a person finds they do indeed stand in a parent/child relationship with God it will be because of God’s grace.
The Blood of Christ, the sacrifice, the atonement for sin, these things are what other religions lack. The common ground many religious leaders say they are trying to find has already been found, it is at the foot of the cross.
Instead of wearing sackcloth and ashes, weeping for the sins of their people and the Judgment of God that is coming. Some religious “leaders” choose instead to share tea and crumpets, pat each other on the back and say, “You’re okay, I’m okay.”
I have never been invited to speak at a multi-faith conference. If I ever have that opportunity, God forbid I speak out of both sides of my mouth, suggesting were on different paths to the same destination. I would address the assembly as an Ambassador for Christ. I would plead for peace and unity with every fiber of my being. I would attempt to build unity on the bedrock that is Christ, not on the quicksand of human design. I would beseech my Muslin, Buddhist and Hindu friends to become Christian, to repent and be immersed in water, (Christian baptized) for the remission of sins. (See Acts 2)

A Peculiar People / Introductory Column

Welcome to my BLOG. With all the great minds our world has to offer; computer programmers, brain surgeons, rocket scientists to name but a few, yours truly, a man of average intelligence ( and my friends would be quick to tell you the jury is still out on that one) has created a BLOG, and one on theology no less.
I am humbled by the opportunity, thrilled by the possibility and frightened by the responsibility. I will painstakingly labor over, and no doubt often lament over what I write. After nearly thirty years of Bible study, I believe I have earned the right to draw some conclusions. What you read from my pen will be the truth, and I will not pull any punches. If I offer an opinion I will call it that, but even then, no opinion will be left unchallenged by the light of Scripture.
Theology is the study of God and His relationship to the world. Whatever we know, or think we know, about God that we have learned outside of Scripture is mere speculation.
As you know, there is no shortage of religious zealots willing to offer their bizarre understanding of God. When these men mix energy and charisma with emotional manipulation we end up with suicide cults and terrorist bombers.
These type of crazed fanatics stand out in the news, but by far most people caught in religious error quietly slip into eternity never really knowing the way of salvation. I hope to stop that.
If Christianity ever explodes onto the world stage, when the Lamb of God roars, it will happen because a ground swell of common folk grew tired of the status quo, humble souls who stood tall and demanded truth.
I am a staunch believer in “Primitive Christianity,” a teaching no more complicated than pointing to the first century church and encouraging men and women to model their doctrine and style of worship after our first century ancestors. With this approach, I protect both my hearers and myself.
There are 7,957 verses in the New Testament, that’s it friends, less than eight thousands verses to light our path and lead us home. I know of no way to teach Scripture without quoting it, but I will try to be judicious in my Bible quoting.
The Bible is not easy to read or understand; I will be the first to admit that. It takes some effort, everything worthwhile does. However, Bible study is not brain surgery, you don’t need to be a rocket scientist to understand it. You will find that approaching Scripture with the proper attitude - a humble, broken and contrite heart - is by far more important than your Intelligence Quota.
As we share this journey in the weeks and months to come, I will try to follow some logical sequence. We first need to lay a foundation we can build on. Can the Bible be Trusted? This seems like a commonsense place to begin our discussion.
Once we have established Scripture’s reliability, subject matter is unlimited. The lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye and the pride of life, these topics should keep us busy for a while. Let us continue to build strong and true, thought-by-thought, precept-by-precept until our roots run strong and deep.

Cultural Blinders

Contrary to popular opinion, outer-space is not the final frontier, death is. The hypothesis that there is life after death, and that we will meet God in judgment has both fascinated and frightened mankind from the beginning of time.
Throughout recorded history every culture, every society, every civilization, has believed their religious tradition is right and therefore pleasing to God. The evening news often shows Middle Eastern religious zealots swaying in hypnotic rhythm while flagellating themselves for the glory of God. Men so fearful of a God they don’t understand they convince themselves they would rather see a woman in a burka than a bikini.
Our predominantly Christian heritage has no right to get uppity. The spirit that prompted the crusades and the inquisition stands in stark contrast to the nature of Christ. Christians have also fallen prey to the misguided notion that harsh treatment of the body somehow glorifies God.
Without a doubt Christianity has spawned its fair share of lunatics. Some men cloister themselves away in monasteries. These men read a few books, take a vow of celibacy and poverty, then don religious garb, stroll in the marketplace and delight when people fancy them “enlightened.” “They talk a good game,” Jesus said, “but their heart is far from me.” (Matthew 15:8)
Men from all religious camps have broken away from their host group and embraced hedonistic pleasures; some have even incorporated sex into their worship service. Pride keeps men from seeing the religious absurdity of their actions. It is pride that originally poisoned the spiritual lifeblood of mankind and the antidote for our tainted blood-line is humility. Just what does God require of us? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with Him. (Micah 6:8)

Fraud, Hoax or Word of God

…you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires. They will say, “Where is this ‘coming’ he promised? Ever since our fathers died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation (2 Peter 3:4)
Can the Bible be trusted or is it just an ingenious hoax? Is the Bible no more than a book of unbelievable stories? Was it compiled by men with mental shortcomings and way too much time on their hands? Or by con-men whose motives may have been criminal? Perhaps the Bible was written as part of an elaborate plan orchestrated and devised by altruistic gents who thought this clever little ruse would lead the world to peace.
Certain men chronicled the life of Jesus through the four Gospels. Then through letters to various churches they proceeded to establish doctrine that defines Christian character.
The teaching these men present clearly defend them as men of truth. These men hold the fear of God close to their breast. These men recognize the eternal consequences that hinge on the message of Jesus, the message they fearfully document and proclaim.
The Christian apologist C.S. Lewis expressed it well. Jesus, he said, was either a liar, a lunatic or was indeed who he claimed to be, the Christ, the Son of God.
The same could be said about the Gospel penmen, these men were either liars, lunatics or who they claimed to be, servants of the Most High God.
Consider the outlandish claims and miracles these men record. Jesus turned water into wine, caused the blind to see, the lame to walk, the deaf to hear, the mute to speak. Jesus fed thousands with the contents of a child’s lunchbox. He raised the dead.
Once, just for kicks I guess, Jesus walked on the water and told His friend Peter “Join me.” In another playful mood Jesus told Peter, “Cast your line in the lake, the first fish you catch will have a coin in its mouth. Take the coin and pay my tax and yours.” (Matthew 17:27)
A coin from the mouth of a fish, give me break. Do the Apostles really expect us to believe this outlandish story? Do I expect you to believe it? More importantly, does God?
The people Jesus fed hungered again. Those He healed later met their demise in some fashion. Turning water into wine, walking on water. What’s the point?
The point is this. In the final analysis the miracles Jesus performed had a two prong purpose. First and foremost He presented His credentials through the miracles he performed, “I am who I claim to be, the Son of God.” Secondly, to strengthen the faith of first century believers and in turn strengthen ours.
If the New Testament is hard for the modern, educated, intelligent and reasoning mind to grasp, the Old Testament will surely seem like a collection of fairy tails. Noah’s Ark, Jonah and the Whale, the Ten Plagues of Egypt. Without the prompting of the Holy Spirit no one but a child or a fool would believe such stories.
The Apostle Peter, knowing our faith would falter at times was inspired to write, “We did not follow cleverly invented stories when we told you about the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of His Majesty. (2Peter 1:16)
The beloved Apostle John echoed Peter’s sentiments when he wrote, “That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked at and our hands have touched - this we proclaim concerning the Word of Life. (1 John 1:1)
Some people will continue to rebel and doubt unless they hear the voice of God speak from the clouds and they hear Him say, “This is my Son, whom I love, listen to Him.” But of course God has already done exactly that. (Mark 9:7)
Educated and scholarly men from Archeologist to Zoologists and every field of study in between have painstakingly researched the reliability of Scripture. By all means shore up your faith with their findings.
However, I find it boils down to a choice. I believe the Bible to be the inspired Word of God because I choose to believe it. Not in spite of evidence to the contrary, it just seems like something God would do.
I serve an awesome God!

Farewell Planet Politics

Congratulation to Mr. Finkbeiner and Mr. Ford for advancing to the general election, good luck to you both. Now that the primary election is nothing but a fading memory, it is time for this candidate to drift graciously into obscurity.
With the abundance of political pundits and shock-jock-radio-personalities that could easily run the world from their bar-stool, logic would dictate finding a qualified man or woman to run our city would be a cinch.
Unfortunately civilization has digressed to the point that having a caustic and abrasive tongue; being rude, crude and obnoxious of mind and mouth is often confused with being witty, clever and insightful. Civic leaders and role-models embrace their base nature and create strife rather than promote healing.
For obvious reasons I thought it prudent to stay low-key concerning spiritual matters during my campaign, so let me spell it out for my friends in the media. Gentlemen, if you want to come after me bring it on; I’m no frail old woman. But if you come after me you better come after me with a Bible in your hand.
I find it curious as well that men and women who make their living with words, whether the spoken word or in print, are not better at reading between the lines better than they are. Remember when I donned the funny glasses in the last televised mayoral debate and did my little song and dance? Interpret that as my assurance of, and declaration that, judgment is coming. Let’s see who’s laughing then.

One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism

“Live your faith, but keep it personal.” Why does it not surprise me that this oxymoron has received rave reviews on the Ed-Op page of my local newspaper? One fan of the author even suggests mandatory reading for all U.S citizens from the President on down. Another admirer called Jack McComis’ Nov. 25 letter one of the finest The Toledo Blade has ever printed; high praise indeed.
The article in question, if I can paraphrase, advocates multi-theism. The belief that all religions are basically the same and just different paths to salvation is nothing new. The conjecture these well meaning teachers posit always concludes with the notion that God is equally pleased with all religions; doctrine is meaningless.
No one would be happier than I if that teaching were true; however no amount of wishful thinking will make it so. Jesus did not talk about many paths – but one; a narrow path which only a few find (Matthew 7:14). Jesus claimed himself to be the way, the truth and the light; the only way to God the Father (John 14:6). There is no other name under heaven by which men must be saved (Acts 4:12). To teach otherwise is akin to calling Jesus a liar and the Holy Writ hogwash. Our common ground is at the foot of the cross.
“Not many of you should presume to be teachers, my brothers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly.” (James 3:1)
Let me close with a reminder; the Constitution of the United States is not the Word of God.