A Peculiar People

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Friday, December 12, 2008

The Right Thing
The promise of change seems to be the catch phrase of this years presidential election. For any meaningful and lasting change to take place that change will need to take place in the hearts of men. Change the heart and you change the behavior.
We pray for peace. Yet God remains silent… or does He? I can almost hear His voice thunder from the heavens, “Quit killing each other you freakin’ idiots. What’s wrong with you people?” or we hear the pious pray, “Lord, quell the scourge of famine!” With a voice choked with emotion God sobs, “Feed ‘em you stingy, greedy bastards. What the hell’s wrong with you people?”
The insatiable greed of America cries, “bigger, better, more.” We have surfeited our souls with materialism, and fattened ourselves as if preparing for the day of slaughter. We condemn companies that ship jobs overseas, yet hoard products produced cheaply in sweat shops; even willing to exploit child labor.
With head bowed, teeth clenched, and a white knuckle determination reminiscent of a man straining at the stool the self-righteous pray; “God Bless America.” When we consider the destitute and suffering people of the world, those struggling through life in countless ways, many are quick to declare, “but for the grace of God there go I.” When in reality our hearts harbor a sinister grin and a voice that snickers, “better you than me pal.”
The world needs a radical transformation, a major overhaul. To put it more simply, we need to start loving each other. Anything that brings us closer to God is a blessing, Be it tragedy or triumph, sickness or health, wealth or want, any event or circumstance that turns our face toward God is truly a blessing. God Bless America. That’s what I’m afraid of.


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