A Peculiar People

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Friday, December 12, 2008

“Clothe yourself with humility and cast all your anxiety on God because he cares for you.” That was Apostle Peter’s instruction to Christians of his day, and to us of course, by way of Scripture. (1 Peter 5:8) That being said, I nevertheless share the puzzlement a recent contributor expressed about a group of Christians who joined hands around a gasoline pump and prayed for lower gas prices.
I try not to micro-manage other’s religious theology, or set myself up as the doctrinal answer man, however, Jesus did instruct us to pray in secret and do not be like the hypocrites who love to pray on the street corner to be seen by men. Can anyone doubt the activity in question was for show? How sad.
Picture a man praying with clenched teeth and a white knuckle determination reminiscence of a man straining at the stool; all that in a pathetic attempt to persuade God to let him win the lottery.
To harbor a misconception about the character of God can be deadly… and damning.
After all, terrorist murder for the God they serve, or consider the foolishness of suicide cults whose leader persuades his followers to destroy themselves. The point I’m making is both these groups are sincere in their beliefs. The danger of worshiping a God created in you imagination is that you worship a imaginary God.
May His will be done.


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