A Peculiar People

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Location: Toledo, Ohio, United States

Friday, December 12, 2008

Human Sexuality
To understand human sexuality is to understand humanity. Deep within the psyche of every human heart lays the need for self preservation; the need for food and shelter. Beyond that, deeper still, is a need to love another human being sexually, and a need to worship. The mysterious and marvelous ways of a woman and the ways of God are equally intriguing and unsettling for most men.
Consider Islamic Fascists who martyr themselves for God. They hope to receive ten virgins in paradise as a reward for their self imposed martyrdom. How odd that in this reality they would rather see their woman in a burka than a bikini, but in the afterlife a harem of scantily clad vixens will be theirs to ogle. This speaks volumes about them to me.
In our culture, conservative Christianity can be, and often is equally foolish. How easy it is for misguided clergy to mix natural sexual urges, normal fantasies, and common fetishes, with the fear of God and turn Christianity into a breeding ground for hypocrisy.
The guidelines adopted by Roman Catholic bishops concerning homosexuality are a prime example. For a priest who lives celibate (of course the jury is still out on that one) to call homosexuality “disordered” as they lay the fear of eternal condemnation on someone’s shoulders is hypocrisy at its most vulgar.
The so called celibate lifestyle of the Catholic Priest is the disordered one, the unnatural one, and just as out of touch with the will of God as the suicide bombers. Human sexuality is a divine mystery and gift from God. Of two things I am certain… hypocrisy is a far greater evil than homosexuality, and… the blood of Christ can, and will, reach the homosexual.

Recently the prophet Mohammed was lampooned in cartoon form, and the Muslim community is furious. I was reminded of a time the Christian community was equally irate.
In 1989, Andres Serrano submerged an image of Christ crucified into a jar of urine. He called it art, the Christian community called it an outrage. Although unintentional, Mr. Serrano’s action did remind us that crucifixion is the ultimate humiliation. A crucifix’s ability to be worn as jewelry illustrates the lack of stigma the Cross carries in our society.
The acronym W.W.J.D represents the question, “What would Jesus do?” This question carried a challenge when penned by Charles Sheldon in the book, “In His Steps.” The challenge is to determine what you believe Jesus would do, and then do it.
Some young people in our country embraced this idea and began wearing bracelets and tee-shirts with a W.W.J.D. logo. Good stuff; a healthy meditation at any age.
Even though the young novice and the seasoned theologian often reach similar conclusions, we need to make allowance for, and respect the fact that, no two people may conceptualize, or relate to Jesus in exactly the same way. However, basic tenets like; love your enemies, turn the other cheek, and do not seek revenge, are easily agreed upon.
The only caveat we need apply to the W.W.J.D social experiment is an agreement among the participants to shun opinion, speculation, and the traditions of men. Scripture, raw and unadorned, should be our only guide.
The world is saturated with classless people who insult for sport. Rise above it. Christ courageously bore the shame of crucifixion; it’s a little late to be offended by an unflattering caricature of Him. My Muslim friends I ask you to consider, what would Mohammed do?

Water Sharing
A recent editorial titled, “Hands off our water,” disturbed me greatly. This is the same type of “us vs. them” mentality that has put the world on the eve of destruction.
Let me briefly summarize the editorial: The Great Lakes region, which holds 20 percent of the world’s fresh water, is being encouraged to share its bountiful blessing with those suffering through drought, and record low water reserves in other areas of the country.
Jennifer Granholm, the Governor of Michigan responds with an empathic - “Hell no!” One sound bite from the article that troubles me is “[We] should not drain off so much as an ounce of the lake’s water to other areas of the country, no matter how dry they are.”
A concern was raised that dry-state officials would like to siphon away the Great Lakes to water their desert golf courses. That of course could be outlawed, the water would be far too expensive for that to happen anyway. Our unwillingness to share with Waukesha, Milwaukee, a close neighbor who has high levels of cancer causing agents in their drinking water, is, well, condemnable.
We are stewards of that water, not guards; we should be shipping that water to people in need near and far. We’re willing to pay any price for tankers to bring us oil from half was around the world, but won’t raise a finger to quench parched lips or a tongue swollen with thirst.
There are jobs to be created, and money to be made which could be reinvested into desalination technology.
Forgive me for playing the God card, but I’m sure you know by now that’s my bag.

The study of psychology and theology are similar in many ways. Psychology tries to understand the human mind in relationship to self and others.
Theology tries to understand humanity by trying to understand God and our mutual relationship. Can we please Him? Can we offend Him? Is their a judgment to come? Does the Spirit of man live eternally? Fascinating questions all.
Astrology, evolution, agnosticism, a virtual smorgasbord of philosophies are offered for our pontificating pleasures.
View life from any vantage point you like — historic, cultural, scientific, religious — the study of humanity in all its facets is intriguing. Let’s not forget the grave is eagerly awaiting our arrival.
I always find it interesting how unbelievers react to any mention of God and judgment. Evolutionists present an air of intellectual superiority, when in reality they are not as clever as they think they are.
If religious folk are as ignorant and superstitions as atheists imagine them to be why don’t the unbelievers encourage religious minded people to support social programs. If they don’t do it taxpayers will have to. Why not instill guilt for wrong doing with eternal punishment much more severe than any court of law could bestow. What better way to keep the young from going delinquent. If no God - than no guilt.
You may have caught wind of the fact that I’m a candidate for mayor of Toledo, wherever this quest leads me this adventure is proving to be a valuable learning experience. Holy Toledo!

The Right Thing
The promise of change seems to be the catch phrase of this years presidential election. For any meaningful and lasting change to take place that change will need to take place in the hearts of men. Change the heart and you change the behavior.
We pray for peace. Yet God remains silent… or does He? I can almost hear His voice thunder from the heavens, “Quit killing each other you freakin’ idiots. What’s wrong with you people?” or we hear the pious pray, “Lord, quell the scourge of famine!” With a voice choked with emotion God sobs, “Feed ‘em you stingy, greedy bastards. What the hell’s wrong with you people?”
The insatiable greed of America cries, “bigger, better, more.” We have surfeited our souls with materialism, and fattened ourselves as if preparing for the day of slaughter. We condemn companies that ship jobs overseas, yet hoard products produced cheaply in sweat shops; even willing to exploit child labor.
With head bowed, teeth clenched, and a white knuckle determination reminiscent of a man straining at the stool the self-righteous pray; “God Bless America.” When we consider the destitute and suffering people of the world, those struggling through life in countless ways, many are quick to declare, “but for the grace of God there go I.” When in reality our hearts harbor a sinister grin and a voice that snickers, “better you than me pal.”
The world needs a radical transformation, a major overhaul. To put it more simply, we need to start loving each other. Anything that brings us closer to God is a blessing, Be it tragedy or triumph, sickness or health, wealth or want, any event or circumstance that turns our face toward God is truly a blessing. God Bless America. That’s what I’m afraid of.

The Meaning of Life
Did man come into existence by evolution or intelligent design? Is sexual orientation born or bred? Does life have meaning and purpose? Is destiny fixed or flexible? Are we running headlong down the corridor of time into eternity merely as unwilling participants in a crap-shoot of random chance? Are we masters of our fate or hapless pawns in a cold and heartless universe? Ah…to be… or not to be? These troubling questions taunt, tease and torture the mind of man. Questions that refuse to be ignored, will not be silenced, and cannot be answered.
Cursed by conscience, burdened with the reality of death. The prospect of eternal judgment weighs heavily on our hearts and wars against the very fabric of society. The evils of life such as, crime, broken homes, sexual immorality, drug addiction, hatred, discord and the like are only outward manifestations of the turmoil warring within the heart of man, our moral compass has gone awry.
Is there a God? This question encompasses all the others and is the only query worthy of sleepless nights. No one can declare with absolute certainty that God exists, but we can be reasonably confident by empirical, prophetic and historic evidence that He does.
Of course we have this whole Jesus thing to contend with as well. His claims boggle the mind. The words spoken by the Angel of the Lord to the shepherds on that first Christmas morn still delight and fascinate the burdened soul, "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord.” Halleluiah and Merry Christmas.

Mayor Carty Finkbeiner’s chief of staff, Robert Reinbolt, used his position and influence in an attempt to find his family’s lost pet, a dog named Erin.
The Finkbeiner administration may have allowed a cumbersome precedent to become established by allowing private use of public services. Anyone may now reasonably expect the same access to public communication for their lost pet as Mr. Reinbolt received for his.
A public servant that truly has a servants heart would grasp this opportunity to establish a public bulletin board of some sort, perhaps via the internet. A public domain where families could post a description, maybe even download a picture of a wandering pet. Then any citizen who sees a stray dog or cat can attempt to reunite it with its family.
But no, not in Toledo, leave it to Toledo City Councilman Frank Szollosi to throw a wet blanket on a heart warming human interest story. Not since Mistress Cruella De Vil obsessed about making a fur coat from the skin of 101 Dalmatian puppies have I seen such a heartless shrew exhibit a more callous disregard for one of God’s creatures; and of a family in distress.
Toledoans love their pets Mr. Szollosi; honestly I think the city is growing tired of your continual attempts disparage the Mayor. Give it a rest Mr. Grinch. Get some help Frank.

Sponge Bob Gay Britches
Could Satan actually be using cartoon characters to champion the homosexual agenda to the youth of America? When the “Christian Right” suggests such a possibility I feel a flush of embarrassment.
If in fact the Devil has orchestrated the current Sponge Bob - Square Pants homosexual witch hunt or not I don’t know. I do know it would fit his modus operandi. It would certainly point to his cleverness. Honestly I think the Devil is a genius, a evil genius to be sure, but a genius nevertheless. Remember how the Serpent planted a seed of doubt in the mind of Eve when, with a mocking giggle in his voice, he asked, “Did God really say?” Implying that obeying God is trivial, optional, and foolish.
Satan is a master at mind game manipulation, a con-man extraordinaire. He could sell ice cubes to an Eskimo, don’t underestimate his talent of duplicity; and by the way he wants to devour you.
Of course Satan wants Christianity to appear foolish, and those who think homosexuality is immoral to be seen as narrow-minded bigots. What else can he do?
Is the term “gay agenda” just a synonym for tolerance? Except for a possible run-in with a rogue band of red-neck homophobes modern society is tolerant. It has not always been that way, over the centuries homosexuals have suffered various forms of persecution, often at the hands of professed Christians. I’m sorry about that, but two wrongs don’t make a right.
The desire of the gay community goes way beyond wanting tolerance. They obviously want pragmatic sanction. They want to embrace the sin of homosexuality through marriage, and in addition they want society to accept their way of life and teach our children it’s an alternative lifestyle to be considered. That ain’t gonna happen.

Spiritual Lobotomy
Can anyone seriously envision a time when our world will be living in peace? Can you conceive of a time when brotherly love will rule the world? Tolerance and respect. Heartfelt concern for our fellow man, that’s not asking too much is it? Even after 2000 years of Christian influence we just can’t seem to get there.
Our human family needs to undergo a radical transformation if we are to survive. A spiritual revolution so intense, so extreme, the metamorphosis could only be caused by what I’ll call a spiritual lobotomy.
Any hope for this procedure to be successful lies in the hands of the Great Physician. We definitely need divine intervention. The foolish notion that we will someday find political solutions to spiritual problems needs to be shelved. That’s what got us into this pickle in the first place. Godless living. Not necessarily evil as such, just living with no regard to the will of God.
As I’ve said before, I now say again. This idea that mankind can, and will, someday lift himself up by his own bootstraps is ludicrous. We are hell-bent on self-destruction, the nations of the world rage. True peace will never be won from the barrel of a gun.
If the signs of the times are pointing to the Battle of Armageddon, and the Second Coming of Christ, I cannot say. One thing for sure, the world is not ready for that day.
America can still rise to the challenges ahead, take the reins of moral leadership, reestablish the compass heading toward a loving God. Talk is cheep, graffiti is easy, we need to start loving people.

Sexual Predators
How can society reign in sexual predators? Communities keep looking for a workable solution to this devilish problem. Law enforcement agencies are considering requiring the almost half-million registered sex offenders in the United States to wear a electronic monitor for life.
The Sheriff’s Department inform neighbors when a sex offender has moved into their area. One community in Florida does not allow sexual predators to move into their city – period.
Citizens are demanding police enforce existing laws forbidding child molesters from living within 1000 feet of a school. Both reasonable precautions, but neither foolproof.
Some people believe child molesters should serve life in prison without parole. Others claim castration or a bullet to their brain would solve the problem; tempting perhaps, but too barbaric for most.
Obviously no one wants sexual deviates anywhere near their children, but what can we do about it. One conceivable, realistic solution would be to carve out a huge swatch of land in the middle of the desert and build a city; a city like any other, with movie theaters, bowling alleys and shopping centers.
Citizens of this city would work and pay taxes; at first blush it would look like any other city, and for the most part it would be. Everything would be there except children.
Consider it a cross between a Concentration Camp and an Indian Reservation. After a fitting prison term, child molesters could be relegated there. In addition any men horrified by thoughts of molesting children would be free to move there before they act out their fantasy. Our children would be safe, and the molesters would not be tempted. A win - win solution.

Sin is such a harsh word. I am troubled when religious leaders come down hard on one sin, or one group of sinners. I’m referring to the barrage of homosexual hate speech that finds its voice with some in the religious community.
In a perfect world we would all marry our childhood sweetheart’s and live happily ever after. But this is not a perfect world, far from it in fact, this is a fallen world, a world out of harmony with God’s will, a world in chaos.
As a minister I try to lead people to the plan of salvation as presented through Scripture. I try to share it as gently and with as much love as I can muster. Granted there are times when tough love, a stern talking to, better known as fire and brimstone to you old time conservatives is in order. Love is always preferable.
Concerning homosexuality. I don’t consider homosexuality the heinous, hideous sin some Christians paint it to be. But I do consider it a sin, but again, no more repulsive to God than any other sin.
Please don’t call me a homophobe. A phobia is defined as a irrational fear. The word homophobe is more often than not misapplied to those who are opposed to homosexuality.
Same sex coupling is unnatural. Can we agree on that? Common, yes, no doubt about it, but not natural. Even evolution, which posits survival of the species, balks at the idea of man with man, and woman with woman.
I understand desire, I understand lust, I understand passion — and so do you. Homosexuality only points to the fallen nature of man.

Where is Wisdom Found?
Most would agree that, “The Bible isn’t a textbook for public education.” (Russ Lemmon, 9/17/06). If a school board decides to teach the bible and the bible only, I would wholeheartedly agree with Mr. Lemmon. However to offer a course in “Religions of the World,” would be most fitting, and necessary in a high school setting if we hope to offer a well rounded education to our young.
Educating our young is a process of preparing them for reality. To study the history of world religions doesn’t need to be a soul saving crusade, but could be viewed instead as a fact finding mission.
If we could instill in our youth a critical thinking process, the ability to evaluate a problem by applying careful and sound judgment, devoid of prejudice and unrestrained emotion our society would benefit. That won’t happen without the free and unencumbered flow of ideas and beliefs.
America is the great melting pot of civilization; we work and play with people from all cultural and religious backgrounds. With the world unraveling at our feet some are suggesting we invite our Muslim and Jewish neighbors over for a cup of tea! It’s about Jesus, the Son of God, nailed to a tree. All the tea in China will not change that.
The bedrock of eternity is found on the hill of Calvary. The vocal point of eternity is the Cross of Christ. Wisdom begins with the fear of God.

Her Name is Rose
Another Saturday, another racially charged editorial by Rose Russell (3/3/07), surprise, surprise. Her most recent attempt to needlessly place a racial spin on a tragedy was so full of absurdities I hardly know where to begin, so I’ll comment on the most outlandish. In a thinly veiled rhetorical question Ms. Russell asked, would Robert Jobe, the 15 year old accused of killing a police officer, be on the street at 2 A.M. or still be in jail for previous criminal activity if he were black?
A good question. A better one would be, would Ms. Russell have a weekly column if she were white? I doubt it, her writing is average at best. Ms. Russell is an excellent example of affirmative action at it’s most abused and unfair; black with the added advantage of being a woman. Ms. Russell should thank God; her skin color and gender has taken her to a place talent never would have.
Rose Russell sees a bigot behind every pair of blue eyes. When the only tool you have is a hammer everything begins to look like a nail, in other words she only sees a racial component everywhere she looks.
Like the boy who cried wolf, Ms. Russell’s writing has lost all credibility. Many in the African American community may look up to Ms. Russell as a success and role model, what a pity. If you really want to help inner city youth Ms. Russell use your grasp of grammar and langrage to teach English as a second language to the youth of our city whose mother tongue is Ebonics.

For those of us who work outside the mental health profession I think a good layman’s definition for the word psychopath would be, “a person without a conscience.” Over the years we have adopted a narrow understanding of that word. We normally reserve the label “psychopath” for mad dictators and serial killers. Those men certainly fit that classification, but so do men willing to traumatize children to fulfill their own sexual hunger. Psychopaths are individuals who have no compassion, no empathy, and no concern for other people.
When we use this broader definition it’s plain to see society is nurturing a subculture of psychopaths. Instead of children having soft and pliable consciences, many are hard and calloused at a frighteningly young age.
When we try to silence the voice of God and methodically remove any mention of Him from our schools, workplaces and town halls we only hurt ourselves. The more we try to ignore the reality of death and judgment the more ungodly society becomes.
Unbelievers offer no apologies when they ridicule and mock God. Bold and arrogant these men refuse to believe they will one day kneel before the judgment seat of Christ. In an atheistic society there is no concern if some activity is right or wrong in the eyes of a God to whom we must give account. The only question in the mind of an unbeliever is if the activity is legal or illegal, and if it’s illegal can he reasonable expect to get away with it?
Ethics, morality, manners, integrity, virtue, and godliness, these concepts are ludicrous in a godless society. Repentance and godly sorrow become ridiculous and absurd as well. The judgment of God is coming and He will not delay. Today is the day of salvation.

Mothers, lock your doors and hide your daughters, the United State Senate plans to study the affects of pornography on society.
Zoologists have studied and documented the mating habits of every animal on land and in the sea, everything from the Aardvark to the Zebra, from the Ameba to the Hump-back Whale.
Entomologists have likewise studied the reproductive cycle of all manner of creepy crawly critters from the Black Widow Spider to the Testis Fly.
Cultural archaeologists continue to pursue an understanding of ancient peoples and their lifestyle including their sexual attitude and habits.
Sociologists have kept data on how every conceivable family unit affects it members. Children from single parent homes, dysfunctional homes, the middle child syndrome. You name it and someone has studied it.
Human sexuality is no different. Didn’t the Senators ever hear of the Kinsley Institute or Master & Johnson?
Dr. James Dobson and Focus on the Family is only one of many spiritually motivated organizations that has studied this issue. They all offer dire predictions.
The internet is being called the crack cocaine of pornography addiction. No longer can a parent shield their children from sexual explicit material. It has become impossible to hide from this cancer that has invaded society. Even the quaint Norman Rockwell looking country village has this poison cursing through its veins.
Let me save you some time fellas, here’s the conclusion of the matter; “Fear God and keep His commands.”

Pomp and Piety
Pope John Paul the II, greatly loved and highly respected leader of the Catholic church gave his followers a scare. The Pope was rushed to the hospital when he experienced difficulty breathing.
As you know the Pope is old and frail, and he is battling Parkinson’s disease. These issues coupled with a touch of the flu threatened his life. The Pontiff rallied however and returned to the Vatican.
Catholics the world over breathed a sigh of relief, but let’s be realistic, all men face a common fate and the Pope is no exception. It’s not a matter of if he is going to die, but when. That brings me to the point of this writing.
The Pontiff has held his religious office for over 25 years, a virtual icon of religiosity. If you’re too young to remember a new Pope ascending to the throne of the Catholic faith, well, you ain’t seen nothing yet. The presidential inauguration pales in comparison to the pomp and ceremony you will witness when this event happens.
We humans are so easily blinded by glitz and glamour. So easily swept away in the current of our own religious imagination. The more pomp the more piety we reason. The teaching and example of Jesus will guard us from error, but only if we let it.
Jesus was born in a manger, washed the Apostles feet, and humbled himself to the point of death on a cross. No bells and whistles, just service and humility motivated by love.

My Ol’ Fishing Buddy
Recently our human family laid to rest one of her favorite sons. Pope John Paul II, dearly loved and highly respected leader of the Catholic Church has gone to his eternal reward.
He has been called a good man, a great man, a man of peace, a brilliant man, a heroic man. I have no problem with any of those assessments of his character. His absence left a void in our hearts, he was, if nothing else, a likeable guy. If God would have saw fit to give the time-space continuum a little tweak John Paul and I could have been fishing buddies. I would have valued his friendship.
However when we begin to use adjectives like holy, pious, saintly and so forth to describe a human being, no matter who he or she was, we are on dangerous theological ground.
We go from bad to worse when we begin praying to these people. The notion of “patron saints” has no basis in Scripture. Actually we could use the Bible to make a strong argument against it.
We humans are so easily blinded by glitz and glamour, so easily swept away in the current of our own religious imagination. The more pomp the more piety we reason. The teaching and example of Jesus will guard us from error, but only if we let it.
If the next Pope is half the man John Paul was we’ll be lucky, but please remember he is just a man. Christ should be our example, not the Pope, no matter how beloved.

Phantom Addictions
Two frightened little girls escaped their captor alive and physically unharmed. Their parents thank God. A city breathes a sigh of relief. And another pedophile is placed behind bars.
How can we stop this madness? How can we help a man end the downward spiral of sexual obsession and compulsion before they harm anyone, including themselves?
No one is able to offer an easy solution. We understand physical addiction well enough. Most Americans do the zombie shuffle straight to the coffee pot every morning. Many, like myself, with a guttural groan that would make Belle Lagosie proud.
We understand craving. When you put some kind of chemical in your body, things like, alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, prescription or illicit street drugs you may become addicted. We understand that a habit may develop, and society has a reasonable degree of success when dealing with substance abuse.
What I call phantom addictions are far less understandable and extremely difficult to treat. Addictions to gambling and pornography come to mind. Young girls with eating disorders. Mankind has a smorgasbord of phobias, sexual fetishes, superstitions and idiosyncrasies.
Our human family is relentlessly attacked with a myriad of mental and emotional madness. Depression drives many to suicide. The human mind is trapped in a complicated maze. Many are lost in this labyrinth of confusion. Jim Morrison of the Doors sings of our “fragile eggshell mind.” The Bible simply calls us “lost.”
It seems so obvious to me that, “Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” (Ephesians 6:12b) The cure is in the blood of Christ.

Our Declining Morality
“Our Declining Morality.” That headline preceded an editorial (12/18/07) that was nothing short of ludicrous. For the editor to suggest our next president will need to be a leader that will chart a new path and help the United States reclaim its place as a beacon of moral behavior is laughable.
The United States exports pornography and violence in the guise of entertainment, we dismember babies while still in their mother’s womb, the death penalty is alive and well in our judicial system. This is a dog-eat-dog country if there ever was one; we don’t even love each other enough to design a reasonable, workable national health care system. Add to the things mentioned; homelessness, crime, drug abuse, sexually transmitted diseases and teen pregnancy and you will begin to see how ridiculous the thought of America’s moral superiority really is
So many of our neighbors in the industrialized world, especially our European cousins, hate us. Well, hate is such a strong word; let’s just say they really, really, really don’t like us. Why should they, we insult them with this superior moral attitude and imply they are immoral, uncultured, ill-mannered barbarians, while we are so refined and civilized that the rest of the world wants to be just like us…ah, the ugly American.
Our problems run much deeper than a debate about waterboarding terrorist suspects. The very soul of this nation is in crisis, the ill’s that affect this country are only symptoms of a spiritual cancer that show no signs of remission.

One Lord, One faith, One Baptism
“Live your faith, but keep it personal.” Why does it not surprise me that this oxymoron has received rave reviews in the readers’ forum? One fan of the author even suggests mandatory reading for all U.S citizens from the President on down. Another admirer called Jack McComis’ Nov. 25 letter one of the finest The Blade has ever printed; high praise indeed.
The article in question, if I can paraphrase, advocates multi-theism. The belief that all religions are basically the same and just different paths to salvation is nothing new. The conjecture these well meaning teachers posit always concludes with the notion that God is equally pleased with all religions; doctrine is meaningless.
No one would be happier than I if that teaching were true; however no amount of wishful thinking will make it so. Jesus did not talk about many paths – but one; a narrow path which only a few find (Matthew 7:14). Jesus claimed himself to be the way, the truth and the light; the only way to God the Father (John 14:6). There is no other name under heaven by which men must be saved (Acts 4:12). To teach otherwise is akin to calling Jesus a liar and the Holy Writ hogwash. Our common ground is at the foot of the cross.
“Not many of you should presume to be teachers, my brothers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly.” (James 3:1)
Let me close with a reminder; the Constitution of the United States is not the Word of God.

One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism
News flash: The Constitution of the United States is not the Word of God. The quicksand of human design called multi-theism is nothing new. People have expressed in various and clever ways the idea that all religions are basically the same; just different paths to salvation.
No one would be happier than I if that teaching were true; however no amount of wishful thinking will make it so. Jesus did not talk about many paths – but one; a narrow path which only a few find (Matthew 7:14). Jesus claimed himself to be the way, the truth and the light; the only way to God the Father (John 14:6). There is no other name under heaven by which men must be saved (Acts 4:12). To teach otherwise is akin to calling Jesus a liar and the Holy Writ hogwash.
If you know the way of salvation according to Scripture you will automatically, by way of default, recognize falsehood. Everything we need to live a successful life in relation to God can be found in Scripture… the Bible… the Word of God. These three little words – according to Scripture – need to be the bedrock of our salvation, nothing more – nothing less.
I expect to see representatives of all faiths welcomed into the heavenly realm, but only because God in His mercy has chosen to apply the blood of Christ to their sin. Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness (Hebrews 9:22).
The Blood of Christ, the sacrifice, the atonement for sin, these things are what other religions lack. The common ground many religious leaders say they are trying to find has already been found and it is at the foot of the cross.

No Intelligence Here:
I don’t remember the Christian community being insulted with more eloquence and panache than by he who penned the recent editorial, “No Intelligence Here”. Covert as a stealth bomber, the author piloted his article and released his malicious attack with laser-like precision.
Members of the Ohio Board of Education, by majority rule, reached the judgment that teaching intelligent design is a viable part of a well rounded curriculum for Ohio’s youngsters.
The thanks they received for their conscientious, soul searching effort was to be called “right-wing ideologues” (read: ignorant rubes). The board was also called “a painful carbuncle on the posterior of state government” – translated into blue-collar vernacular that reads – a painful boil on the ass of…
I agree with the obvious assertion that intelligent design is a religious tenet. However, he misses the mark claiming this belief is held by a relatively small but vocal number of people. Believers may indeed be outnumbered by unbelievers, I don’t know, either way I would hardly consider our legion small. And here lies the rub, believers pay taxes like everyone else, and we don’t want the dribble of evolution taught to our children; especially uncontested.
As believers we try to give our children moral guidelines. We monitor their television exposure, internet activity and encourage healthy extracurricular hobbies. We do this all under a constant barrage of negative influence from all corners of society.
Allow me to paraphrase his concluding remarks if I may. He closes his discourse by implying the world view of creationism belongs to the dark ages; to a time when superstition and ignorance ruled. He further advances his atheistic agenda by encouraging the board of education to reverse its decision and bolster the reputation of Ohio as a progressive state. Progressing towards what end I wonder?

Negro Spiritual
While channel surfing one night I stumbled across Rev. Jeremiah Wright giving the keynote address to members of the NAACP in Detroit Michigan, the speech was carried live on CNN. Within five minutes I was hooked; glued to the television. Mr. Wright certainly has a commanding and entertaining presence at the podium. Humor, singing, dancing, he does it all.
It is easy for certain people to be swept away by such showmanship. The good Reverend seems to think if the Christian community would link arms with their Muslin, Hindu, and Jewish neighbors— sing a few Negro Spirituals— we can then all ride the peace train to the promised land.
Jesus never talked about many paths to salvation – but one; a narrow path which only a few find (Matthew 7:14). Jesus claimed himself to be that path; the way, the truth, the light, the only way to the Father (John 14:6). Jesus is the only name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved (Acts 4:12). To teach otherwise is akin to calling Jesus a liar and the Holy Writ hogwash. There is one Lord, one faith, one baptism (Eph 4:4) One…one…one… not many… one! The common ground we seek is found at the foot of the cross.
Am I divisive? Narrow-minded? Bigoted? Some will think so, “Have I become your enemy by telling you the truth? (Gal.4:16)
“Not many of you should presume to be teachers, my brothers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly.” (James 3:1)
No amount of eloquence, no amount of flamboyance, showmanship, or theater will replace the truth. Fluff will never replace substance.

New Orleans
What an interesting turn of events. It appears Ray Nagin, Mayor of New Orleans, has been possessed by the spirit of my friend Opal Covey, with just a dash of Don Gozdowski thrown into the gumbo.
Mr. Nagin declared, “New Orleans will be Chocolate city once again. The way God wants it to be.” My first thought was, I’m glad I didn’t say that. His comment did strike a chord with me however, reminded me of déjà vu all over again.
Mr. Nagin, who is black, continued his discourse and not only implied, but declared the recent rash of hurricanes were a sign that God is mad at America in general, and the black community in particular.
When you presume to speak for God, you’d better know what you’re talking about. I remember when Pat Robinson said God wanted him to be president. Well by golly, if God wants you to be president, you’re gonna be president.
Do you believe God is in control of nature? Do you believe “the wind and the waves obey His voice?” If you do, what than are we to make of natural disasters?
The power of God on display is an awesome, breathtaking spectacle. I think a more reasonable and safer view than the one held by Mr. Nagin, is to consider aberrations of nature a wake up call; a call to repentance if you will, not a punishment.
I hold this belief because the judgment of God has already been declared – once, and for all, and forever – against America, and the rest of the world, by a cross, on a hill called Calvary.

People have expressed in various and clever ways the idea that all religions are basically equal; just different paths that lead to the same mountaintop. Once there, everyone has the same view. This teaching is called multi-theism and is nothing new.
No one would be happier than I if that teaching were true; however no amount of wishful thinking will make it so. Jesus did not talk about many paths but one; a narrow path which only a few find.
Jesus claimed himself to be the way, the truth and the light; no one gets to the Father but by me. (John 14:6) There is no other name under heaven by which men must be saved (Acts 4:12). To teach otherwise is akin to calling Jesus a liar and the Holy Writ hogwash.
Jesus was a peace loving man, but said “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.” Since Jesus taught love and non-violence we can be certain this analogy points to division of family and friends because of Christ. Jesus went on to say, “a man’s enemies will be members of his own household.” (See Matthew 10)
I know the way of salvation according to Scripture; I’m certain of it. According to Scripture, these three little words need to be the bedrock of our salvation, nothing more and nothing less.
When you know the way of salvation you will automatically, by way of default, recognize falsehood. Everything we need to live a successful life in relationship to God can be found in Christian Scripture, a.k.a the Holy Bible, the Word of God,
Conversions happen when a person catches a fleeting glimpse of the nakedness of his sin sick soul, when the fear of eternal judgment grips his heart and mind. If the individual has money their religious guide may lead them towards philanthropy and altruism. Charitable deeds are good, but should be the fruit of salvation not an attempt to secure it.
Some men who are passionately religious make tragic errors in judgment and recruit warriors for their god. They kill and maim trying to please a god created in their imagination.
If on judgment day a person finds they do indeed stand in a parent/child relationship with God it will be because of God’s grace.
The Blood of Christ, the sacrifice, the atonement for sin, these things are what other religions lack. The common ground many religious leaders say they are trying to find has already been found, it is at the foot of the cross.
Instead of wearing sackcloth and ashes, weeping for the sins of their people and the Judgment of God that is coming. Some religious “leaders” choose instead to share tea and crumpets, pat each other on the back and say, “You’re okay, I’m okay.”
I have never been invited to speak at a multi-faith conference. If I ever have that opportunity, God forbid I speak out of both sides of my mouth, suggesting were on different paths to the same destination. I would address the assembly as an Ambassador for Christ. I would plead for peace and unity with every fiber of my being. I would attempt to build unity on the bedrock that is Christ, not on the quicksand of human design. I would beseech my Muslin, Buddhist and Hindu friends to become Christian, to repent and be immersed in water, (Christian baptized) for the remission of sins. (See Acts 2)

Muslim Hajj
What is it about religion – about our innate desire to worship – that makes so many people go bonkers? People can show remarkable, or at least reasonably sound judgment in every area of their life, yet when it comes to religion become unreasonable and flighty.
Suicide Cults, Suicide Bombers, the Taliban, the Ku-Klux-Klan; these are extreme examples of misplaced religious passion fueled by ignorance and fear, religious fervor and foolishness. Being zealous for God is a good thing, being fanatical is not. Some false teaching is relatively harmless; other false doctrine is blasphemous, treacherous, deadly and damnable. For instance, to consider a suicide bomber a martyr is ludicrous, yet many seriously embrace this notion and are whisked into eternity and judgment, not as martyrs, but as murderers.
The latest frenzied foray into religious fanaticism left 350 pilgrims trampled to death during the Muslim Hajj. People invent the most bizarre rituals imaginable in the name of religion. Sanction their delusion with sincerity, nurture it into a tradition, and then defend it as being God ordained.
God created us to have fellowship with Him, and He is not hard to find. By in large, what most people cannot comprehend about God, and what will prove to be their undoing is this, God is humble.
It’s easy to envision a who God is Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Omniscient, but humble — no way. Jesus said, “If you have seen me, you have seen the Father.” Being found in the appearance as a man Jesus chose to humble Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. (Philippians 2)
The character trait you must possess if you are to have fellowship with God is humility. God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.

Get a Clue
In reference to Toledo attorney Lafe Tolliver’s April 3rd, guest editorial title, “Judge pastor in context of the black religious experience.” The pastor in question is of course the Rev. Jeremiah Wright. The issue at the heart of Mr. Tolliver’s editorial was the now infamous sermon given by Rev Wright— Sen. Barack Obama pastor. Remember this is only one white guy’s opinion and I’ll warm you right up front this might sting a little.
I’m glad the Rev. Wright’s inflammatory diatribe did not derail Sen. Barack Obama’s campaign. God can take something bad and use it for good. If the speech in question improves race relations in America it will be a blessing. We’ll bounce back, we always do. But that speech sure didn’t promote healing– because it wasn’t designed to. Imagine if Rev. Wright would have taken the high road, he could have rode the Obama wave and helped free this country from its racial quagmire and moved us forward.
Senator Obama is not a stupid man. Even though he did not disown his pastor I’m sure he will be politically savvy enough to keep a healthy distance from Rev. Wright from now on. Instead of being a frequent visitor to the White House and spiritual advisor to the President of the United States, Rev. Wright will be a pitiful footnote in political history.
Personally I wouldn’t have a problem with the president’s spiritual advisor sitting next to him on Air Force One, hobnob with world leaders, of course that’s assuming that spiritual advisor isn’t Rev. Wright. The good Reverend’s best years of ministry could have been ahead of him, instead he retired in under a cloud of shame.
Maybe I missed that day in theology class, but I was always under the impression a pastor’s job is to encourage his flock to love, bless, and forgive those that have wronged them— not hate, curse, and condemn.
Preaching like Rev. Wright’s; what Mr. Tolliver referred to “hot-sauced pulpit rhetoric,” although more common in black churches it is not a spectacle peculiar to black churches. Many white, money grubbing televangelists do funny things with their voices too. What they lack in solid theology they try to make up for with flimsy theatrics.
That type of preaching does nothing to help inner city youth. Inflame impressionable youth with a feeling of entitlement. It angers them, leaving them bewildered at the injustice of it all, It sends these inner city youth into the world with a chip on their shoulder that they have no right to carry. Then when I pass some black youth on the street and they glare at me as if I were the blue-eyed devil who took a bullwhip to grandma’s back. There’s a world of difference between stereotyping and playing the odds.
The black community has created a passive-aggressive relationship with it white cousins. When our attempts to help the black community are dismissed as condescending, or accepted ungratefully as something we owe because your great grand-daddy was a slave. When the black community can use the “N-word,” at will, and with impunity, but the white community is scared to use it, and would rather say, or spell-out “N-word,” than to use the word “nigger” even when quoting someone who did.
To quote Mr. Tolliver, “…white America, including its professing Christian churches are clueless about the black church experience in America.” I take exception to that Mr. Tolliver, I know African American history, I lived through the racially turbulent sixties, and I remember all too well how ugly those days were; as do millions of other God fearing white-folk. To blow us off a “clueless,” is, well, insulting. But beyond that it’s narrow minded, if you would take the time to listen you may gain some insight.
There are many successful African American’s in all walks of life; health, law, entertainment, sports, politics. Now white’s and black’s share a candidate, a man with a white mother and a black father, who may very well may be the next president of the United States. I for one hope so, if Sen. Obama makes it to the White House, we will be privy to one of the most interesting social experiments in the history of this country.
Is the white community where it needs to be? No. But neither is the black. Am I as Christ-like as I long to be? No, not even close. Frankly, I think I have a lot of Archie Bunker in me. You remember that loveable buffoon who didn’t hate anyone, but at least to his credit seemed to disliked everybody equally. But when push comes to shove, I, like Archie, will do the right thing.
The south side of Chicago is the baddest part of town according to singer/songwriter Jim Croce. Is the area surrounding Sen. Obama’s home church an example of what we can expect the inner cities of America to emulate? That’s all we can look forward too, things won’t change in the inner cities. The only difference I foresee is some short lived hubris for some in the black community, deflated quickly when stark reality sets in and a realization that only education, hard work, and righteous living will improve their lot in life.
Let’s imagine a Obama White House for a minute. When Barack raises his right-hand and takes the oath of office many inner city black youth will be dancing in the streets, or rioting, I don’t know which. “Free at last, free at last, great God almighty we’re free at last.” Then looking toward the sky expecting the heavens to open and money to come raining down like manna from heaven.
One thing will change with an Obama White House— the race card will have been spent. No longer will race be a wild card to be used for any and all difficulties faced in life.
Get a clue.

The English langrage needs to add a word to its lexicon. A new word is needed to define the ever increasing godlessness of our culture.
May I suggest the word is “moral-less,” a word currently non-existent and undefined. Don’t confuse moral-less with immoral. The word immoral suggests a understanding of right and wrong, but a decision towards the wrong. Moral-less, on the other hand, is a refusal to acknowledge and humble yourself under a moral standard of conduct.
From the aggressive evolutionist to the militant atheist, the concept of sin, of conscience, of Christ, has become ludicrous. These free floating bohemians, hitch-hiking through the galaxy on their way into eternity, don’t want to be reminded them they are not god’s, they are sinners, on their way to judgment.
Not long ago Christian churches were distinguished one from another by their doctrinal interpretations. Martin Luther’s outrage over the selling of indulgencies sparked the reformation. What one group calls sound doctrine, another group calls heresy. In our generation divisions have been caused, to greater or lesser degree, by things such as; mode of baptism, instrumental music, and women preachers. One group positions itself as headstrong and stubborn; no wiggle room to disagree.
Hard to wedge in mercy, compassion, love, understanding, forgiveness. Each camp considers themselves right and the other wrong, immature, and hell-bound.

McCain - Palin
I’ve got to hand it to Rose Russell; she is quite the insightful political pundit. Ms. Russell’s first though when Sarah Palin stepped onto the stage at the GOP convention was, “Girl, would you please get a grown woman’s hairdo?” What might you suggest Ms. Russell? A Jerri-curl, classic Afro, or Cornrow. Heaven forbid we judge someone by the color of their skin, but the cut of their pompadour, yeah that’s okay.
September 11, 2001. That bright and shining September morning overwhelming despair gripped our nation. One common sentiment express by many following the attack was: “Thank God George Bush is in office.” Some predisposed in their religious thinking went so far as to say President Bush was predestined to hold office at that juncture in history. How soon we forget. Oh sure, we’ll honor that day with memorials and candlelit vigils. Then with the benefit of 20/20 hindsight resume lampooning President Bush.
The price of freedom is blood. Freedom from sin, or freedom from tyranny, the cost is the same — blood. John McCain knows that better than Barrack Obama. But honestly I hold this against both political camps; their lack of serious consideration and recognition of biblical prophesy.
Barack Obama’s oratory skill won’t mean diddly when confronted with the twisted theology of some crazed religious fanatic, or the wild-eyed ideology of the blood thirsty dictator, those to whom logic and reason are foreign concepts.
By the way Ms. Russell I think Ms. Palin’s hair is fine, in fact I think her whole package is just fine. Jack Kelly closed out his column the same day yours was printed by projecting himself into Joe Biden’s shoes and saying; “If I were Joe Biden I would be very, very afraid.” Amen to that, Jack… amen to that.

Being a south-paw a recent letter caught my eye because the writer claimed homosexuality like left-handedness is hard-wired into the brain. The writer pointed to a time in the not too distant past when being left-handed was believed to be a sign of demon possession.
Human history is saturated with such foolishness. Godless myths, old wives tales, and man made traditions need to be examined and thoroughly scrutinized; none more desperately than those dealing with human sexuality and religion When these two powers overlap the outcome can be silly at best; deadly and damning at worst.
Are you old enough to remember the days when masturbation would make you grow hair on you palms, get pimples, or go blind? Researchers claim ninety percent of adolescents masturbate, of the ten percent that refrain some may have a physical malady which prevents the activity, others may harbor a religious psychosis, which is another name for pharisaical righteousness, still others are simply liars. Yes, even in this era of sexual freedom youngsters are still saddled with guilt over this issue.
Modern society is not as advanced sexually as we like too think, we are retarded if anything. There were times in recorder history when sexual love was both sensual and spiritual; beyond spiritual in fact, and considered sacred. Avoiding pain and seeking pleasure are such primary human motivations how did sexuality in any form begin to be thought of as sinful or wrong in the first place?
False information and twisted beliefs have created a breeding ground for hypocrisy. If we are to successfully challenge society’s unhealthy understanding about sex we will need to understand how human sexuality and spirituality are interwoven
And now if you’ll excuse me I need to go shave my palms, buy some Clearasil, and visit my optometrist.

Love a Splendid Thing
Love is a many splendor thing. Jesus knew that, and said so long before our poets and songwriters put pen to paper.
According to Scripture God is love. He is also Holy. We are created by God for the express purpose of having fellowship with Him, so, logically, we also need to be holy and loving. However, our relationship with God has been severed because of sin, that begets the distress of our existence. The lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life has grown a society that is hate filled and rebellious.
The flesh fights against the spirit, and the spirit against the flesh. A holy and loving heart, mind, and spirit will not come naturally. These things must be cultivated, worked at, hungered for. The good news is we can now boldly approach the thrown room of a loving and holy God because of a conquering hero name Christ.
The horror and madness we witness on the evening news is the outward manifestation of inner turmoil; a war that’s being waged in the hearts of men. Christ teaches us to love our enemies. Not only with an absence of malice, but with proactive good will.
The United States was victorious in two World Wars. Single-handedly victorious according to our pride filled minds; so we learned how to be cocky. Odd, how we find the money to fight wars, but are never able to find enough to make a serious attack on world wide famine and disease.
Albert Einstein once said, “I don’t know what weapons World War III will be fought with, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.” The only hope we have in this life, and the next, is the blood of Christ. Love.

I was so certain Rose Russell’s Saturday editorial would be a scathing rebuttal de-crying the white Mayor of Toledo thoughtlessly referring to the black Fire Chief of Toledo as King-Kong that I began formulating my response long before her column hit the press.
How could I be so sure? Please… don’t think for a minute, Ms. Russell, the self appointed guardian of African culture would pass up this opportunity to sharpen her fangs and spit venom at her computer screen when a white man is involved.
Remember when Ray Nagin, Mayor of New Orleans, referred to African Americans as chocolate people, then went on to say God was punishing blacks by sending, “hurricane, after hurricane, after hurricane.” Guess what? Not a peep out of Rose Russell. Why is that?
Journalism that exploits, distorts, or exaggerates the news to create sensations is called yellow journalism. One sided; always used to advance the writers cause and stir emotion. Nothing more than a tempest in a teacup.

No one wants to take a leisurely stroll around a shopping mall that has young thugs roaming the halls. A relatively small group of hooligans can bring a shopping mall to its knees. The thought of going to the mall with my daughter, especially on a Friday or Saturday night, to do a little shopping, maybe see a movie, just kill some time and have a little fun does not enter my mind anymore. My daughter going alone is out of the question.
We all know what the young knuckleheads need. Jobs! Jobs-Jobs-Jobs! Never mind that there reading skill is below grade level, simple math overwhelms them, and they can’t sting two sentences together with using the “N” work and/or the “F” word. Give them jobs, good paying jobs of course, their contribution to the work force is so valuable working for minimum wage would be insulting.
I’m being facetious of course. What they really need is to understand the fear of the Lord. Or a good swift kick in the ass, whichever comes first.

Jesus Loves all the Children
Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world, red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in his sight. Jesus loves the little children of the world.
Americans blindly, foolishly, arrogantly, talk a lot of scat. We talk as if “we the people” are the world’s last best hope. We still can be if we learn to love. Not only our family and friends, that comes naturally, but love the alien and stranger as well.
If we don’t get beyond this us verses them mentally of ours, civilization will continue it’s downward spiral. The “debates” missed the mark. Politicians continually fail to acknowledge the spiritual reality of man. Our fallen nature, our self serving desires, our greed.
It somehow seemed fitting that Tom Brokaw moderated the second debate between John McCain and Barack Obama. Mr. Brokaw authored “The Greatest Generation,” a flattering generalization and brilliant marketing ploy to sell books. A generation credited with kicking Hitler’s ass and living on those laurels ever since.
Not only has America failed to meet her high calling – what glorious, exciting possibilities we squandered – but lead by example and encouraged other first world countries to do the same.
Illegal immigration has many people in a lather. I briefly worked in a welding shop alongside some Mexican immigrants. What a pleasure that was, they worked like old school Polack’s (a high compliment). These men just want to feed their families, like you and I do. Should I care more about the welfare of your children than I do about the welfare of theirs?
Highly paid union workers not only hesitant to share the wealth, but unwilling to share the work. Buy American they shout, then gorge themselves on sweatshop/child labor produced trinkets.
Love, not in word, but in deed.

Innocence Lost:
I marvel and stand amazed by the grace and dignity displayed by the Amish community in the aftermath of the most recent school shooting that rocked their peaceful way of life.
A gunman, named Charles Roberts, stormed their one-room schoolhouse killing five girls, wounding five others; he then killed himself. Reports surfaced that the oldest girl, a mere thirteen, asked to be shot first, her younger sister volunteered to be second. Where do children find this courage and self sacrificing love? Before the smell of gunpowder cleared the air, forgiveness was offered by the Amish community. Many attended the funeral for Mr. Roberts, and expressed concern for his wife and children.
I have always held the Amish in high esteem. I have even at times envied their simple lifestyle. If you ever wanted to chuck it all; escape the hustle and bustle of modern day America. If you ever wanted to join the circus, or run off with the Foreign Legion, or at very least find a deserted beach somewhere, then you know how appealing the Amish way of life can seem.
Most mainstream Christians want the best of both worlds. Every toy, modern convenience, and appliance money can buy in this life, and paradise in the next. How refreshing to see a religious community living their creed. The Amish have never asked me for a dime. They don’t proselytize, are friendly with outsiders, and socialize well with their neighbors.
It’s impossible to not be impressed with the stellar example of Christian virtue the Amish display. We’re lucky to have them living amongst us.

Inconvenient Truth
If former Vice-President Al Gore’s Movie/Documentary, “Inconvenient Truth,” with its dire predictions about global warming, proves to be prophetic or not time will tell.
The truth is often inconvenient, that’s what makes speaking falsehood so appealing… it’s convenient. “Oh, I wasn’t speeding officer.”
Believe it or not truth can even be irrelevant at times, for instance, when your wife asks, “honey, does this dress make me look fat?” The answer is, “No!” The truth is irrelevant
Homosexuality is driving a wedge deep into the heart of society. Where once the dividing line was between the religious and the secular world view. Now the truth is often mocked as foolish and superstitious. Maybe we can find some common ground as we discuss the gay lifestyle. Homosexuality is not natural, can we agree on that? Normal in the sense it’s common yes, but natural, no. No matter how far down the evolutionary highway we travel two men having sex will never produce a baby.
The Bible is full of inconvenient truths, codes of conduct that are stifling and troublesome. Our bodies want pleasure, whatever the cost. Our pride and dainty little egos rebel at the thought of repentance and humility. Truth is a lot of things, including eternal. “It is appointed unto men to die once, and after that to face judgment.” (Hebrews 9:27) Inconvenient? Indeed. Irrelevant? Hardly.

Christianity VS. Homosexuality. Church leaders from all denominations are still trying to craft words and policies to tame the restless insatiable hunger to love and be loved.
I see and hear Church leaders say and write scathing commentary about the homosexual lifestyle. I’ve said and written things I wish I hadn’t. It’s easy to forget when you’re spitting venom at a computer screen that there are living, hurting, struggling people on the receiving end of that insensitive tirade.
I’m not tempted towards homosexual activity, if I were, I’m sure I’d fail. I’ve succumbed to every other temptation that came my way, why would homosexuality be any different?
For me, as a minister, to lay a burden of eternal condemnation on someone’s shoulders that I couldn’t carry, or tell them they need to live celibate, which I couldn’t do; and do this when all the while I’m swinging from the chandelier with sexual freedom is hypocrisy at its most vulgar.
I am heterosexual, a hopeless romantic with a kinky streak. What I do behind closed doors with my love interest is none of your freakin’ business, but I will tell you this, she loves me so naughty it makes me weak in the knees.
I have not yet reached the point where I’m ready to say God’s is all right with homosexuality, but if my heart and mind takes me there I will not stubbornly refuse acknowledgement. I am sure of one thing, the blood of Christ can and will reach the homosexual. At this juncture in my understanding I try to encourage gently and never condemn harshly.

The Homosexual Agenda
The current barrage of entertainment laced with love scenes between gay men must have the board of directors for the homosexual agenda guarding the glee they feel like poker players holding a straight flush.
The highly acclaimed movie “Brokeback Mountain,” and a recent episode of “Desperate Housewives” are two of the most recent and provocative. Hollywood, as usual, is advocating the joy that can be found in a homosexual relationship.
What’s wrong with that? Haven’t gays suffered long enough? We’ve all heard the horror stories of gay bashing, about families being torn apart, about teenage boys driven to suicide; many times after being saddled with guilt by some fire and brimstone preacher.
From the world view of my youth – a European Catholic, post war baby boomer – homosexuality was a fate worst than death, calling a guy “gay or queer or faggot,” well, them there was fightin’ words. Homophobia, in my opinion, is not so much a fear of homosexuals, as it is a fear of being homosexual. Some men too frightened to examine a homosexual thought, suppress the very idea. Living an unexamined life in fear and ignorance they lash out at others, or, as in the days of my youth, joined the priesthood.
As often happens in societal shifts, the pendulum has swung to the other extreme. Some sociologist point to the horizon of a moral-less, unisex society; a society where any willing partner will do.
I admire people who are honest with themselves. After all, aren’t we all just wayfaring pilgrims struggling to grasp the brass ring from the carousel of life? There are however three little banana gnats you cannot shoo away from our human condition, one is God, another is sin, the third – eternal life. Pesky little concepts aren’t they?

Homosexual Research
With rare exceptions, whenever someone posts a letter in the readers forum defending the gay lifestyle as normal, they inevitably point to researchers in the field of human sexuality who claim homosexuality is hard wired into the brain and therefore normal.
Please remember the men you honor as an elite group of scholars came from the same fraternity of intelligentsia who not all that long ago taught the earth was flat and the center of the Universe.
Our species is complicated, no doubt about it. Beyond our capacity to understand in fact.
When pointing to homosexuality as normal and something no one would choose, one contributor compared it to being born with multiply scoliosis, is to miss the big picture. We have fallen from the glory we were created to enjoy. Sickness and death entered the world because of sin. We are a species in rebellion against God, hell-bent on self destruction.
I would never tell a teenage girl that being bulimic or anorexic are healthy diets, or that “cutting” is a healthy way to deal with stress. Our bodies are prone to sickness, our emotions often tormented. Common does not make something normal.
Maybe homosexuality is a part of your nature, I see no point in auguring about it. I didn’t choose to be born, or more specifically born a sinner, but I have chosen to repent and so can you.

Happy Ever After
Should a constitutional amendment banning same sex marriage be enacted? If the amendment is ratified, a fight to have it repealed would soon begin. Homosexual marriage is bound to be legalized sooner or later, it’s just a matter of time.
As children develop their sexual identity, the question that haunts their young mind is, “am I normal?” Well, who’s to say what’s normal? There is no normal, erogenous zones and fetishes abound and are as unique as the people who hold them. How and why certain sexual appetites develop is still a mystery. Theories and speculation abound of course, but we still have more questions than answers. Human sexuality is one of the most multi-faceted and complex issues we face.
We have all experienced loneliness, and many, far too many, spend a lifetime painfully alone. To find comfort and security in the arms of another human being is what we all want. But here’s the caveat, just because nothing is abnormal sexually, does not mean everything is moral. Throwing sexual restraint to the wind in complete abandon is shortsighted.
I wish I could claim it’s my rock solid resolve that keeps me celibate. Truth be told I’ve never been much of a ladies man; I have never needed to beat twenty-eight year old super models away with a stick, that’s for sure.
Even so, I have traded my birth right as a child of God for a bowl of stew more times that I care to admit. What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death. Praise be to God, who has hidden my life in Christ. (Romans 7:24)
I’m not trying to rain on your gay parade. Homosexuals want fair and equal protection under the law; this seems reasonable to me.

God Hates Fags
Can you think of anything more vile that picketing a funeral home with signs that read, “God Hates Fags.” The Westboro Baptist Church from Topeka, Kansas, acting on the delusion they are doing God’s bidding, have dispatched evil emissaries to do exactly that.
God hates sin. And we should hate sin in ourselves, but overlook it in others. Hate the sin, love the sinner. (See John 3:16) Sin entered the world and put us all on death row. Since Christ lived a sinless life the grave had no claim on Him
Christ the conquering hero was triumphant, but not at the cross, His victory is in the resurrection. Our Lord’s victory can be ours if we enter into a God ordained, Scripture based relationship with Him.
Man’s misunderstanding of God is legendary. Some think God is a semi-senile grandfather like character sitting on the clouds. Others liken Him to a wrathful, fire-and-brimstone God who is waiting for you to step out of line so He can squash you like a bug.
Many hold a concept of heaven or paradise that is equally ridiculous. They delight in the idea that all their senses will be sated in heaven. Eat all the cheese cake you want without gaining weight I heard one person say; drink all the wine you want without a hangover. Or rewarded with ten virgins to will wait on you hand and foot.
Scripture declares the wonders of heaven are beyond our imagination. For me paradise will be glorious because God is there, and sin is not. When doubts arise and fears assail I remind myself I am in a no lose situation. Go to heaven where there is no sin, or to hell where there is no God.

“Clothe yourself with humility and cast all your anxiety on God because he cares for you.” That was Apostle Peter’s instruction to Christians of his day, and to us of course, by way of Scripture. (1 Peter 5:8) That being said, I nevertheless share the puzzlement a recent contributor expressed about a group of Christians who joined hands around a gasoline pump and prayed for lower gas prices.
I try not to micro-manage other’s religious theology, or set myself up as the doctrinal answer man, however, Jesus did instruct us to pray in secret and do not be like the hypocrites who love to pray on the street corner to be seen by men. Can anyone doubt the activity in question was for show? How sad.
Picture a man praying with clenched teeth and a white knuckle determination reminiscence of a man straining at the stool; all that in a pathetic attempt to persuade God to let him win the lottery.
To harbor a misconception about the character of God can be deadly… and damning.
After all, terrorist murder for the God they serve, or consider the foolishness of suicide cults whose leader persuades his followers to destroy themselves. The point I’m making is both these groups are sincere in their beliefs. The danger of worshiping a God created in you imagination is that you worship a imaginary God.
May His will be done.

It’s unbelievable the amount of ink the Mike Ferner graffiti trial has generated. The spectrum of opinion has run the gamut; some consider Mr. Ferner as a modern day Joan of Ark standing his ground in a great contest of right verses wrong. Others liken him to a gang-banger tagging his turf with spray paint.
A recent editorial by Thomas Walton of the Blade suggested the jury in Mr. Ferner’s case could have, and would have given Mr. Ferner a mulligan (jury nullification); if only they had known they had that option.
No one doubts Mr. Ferner’s heart is in the right place; his intentions are noble. Who wouldn’t want to stop this war if they could? A sudden withdrawal will only buy us some time, we will need to fight this same enemy another day. As long as we are hated, we are in danger. We need to destroy our enemies; there is only one way to do that — by making them our friends.
Middle Eastern religious Zealots look at us and see everything that is wrong with the world emanating from the United States. The immorality, the greed, the God they love being mocked.
It won’t be easy to turn the tide at this juncture, as Americans we have let far too many decades slip through our fingers while we should have been using our wealth to make friends. If my child was sick and starving while yours were fat and sassy, and all the while you had the means to help me but choose not to, I’d hate you too.
America could have been a big brother; the world’s guardian; not militarily, but with love. Greed has robbed us of the greatest opportunity ever laid at the feet of man.

Father Robinson
Jesus told us not to call anyone on earth ‘father,’ or ‘rabbi,’ or ‘teacher,’ Christ declared we are all brothers and forbid religious titles. This was only the beginning of His blistering diatribe against religious leaders and teachers of the law. He continued with words like, blind guides, hypocrites, and snakes. Whitewashed tombs He called them, beautiful on the outside, but inside full of dead men’s bones and everything unclean.
Everything they do is done for men to see; they hunger for the accolades of men. They love to be given places of honor, to be greeted in the marketplace with religious titles. (See Matthew 23rd Chapter)
Toledo is under the watchful eye of the world court as Father Gerald Robinson stands trial for the grisly murder of Sister Margaret Ann Pahl. The first thing our justice system should do is stop calling Father Robinson ‘Father,’ and begin calling him simply ‘Sir’ or ‘Mr.’ like any other defendant. The latter are terms of respect we all share. If Mr. Robinson has a Ph.D. call him Doctor if you like, but “father” is out of place. Giving Mr. Robinson or any other man a religious title is spiritually repugnant to me. In addition our society’s obsession with the separation of church and state demands that we forbid religious titles from being used in our courts of law.
Will this trial become a mockery of things religious? A mockery to our legal system? I think there is more to this trial than meets the eye, and I believe God will be watching with keen interest how we handle this matter.

When a excited child announces, “the Tooth-Fairy left some money under my pillow!” The parents — knowing the truth — exaggerate their delight. The same can be said for the Easter-Bunny and Santa Clause. Wise parents let a child think like a child, but there comes a time in everyone’s life when we need to put away childish things
When we allow creative reality to replace truth, than truth becomes irreverent. Even the most pig-headed evolutionists will readily admit the gifts left behind by the Tooth-Fairy, Easter-Bunny, and Santa Clause have a cause… the gifts did not just evolve. What a shame they cannot apply the same logic to the creation of the universe.
Mankind’s twisted psyche and tortured soul languish under the shadow of death, and the fear of eternal judgment. Many are blind to the obvious decay of civilization that is devouring this planet like a cancer. Evolution can never explain away that thorny, pesky little issue known as fulfillment of biblical prophecy. Good luck with that.
I am distressed by the anger evolutionist display, the name calling they resort to causes me great sorrow and a sense of pity. The arrogance and audacity of men like the recent contributor who call believers (i.e. Christians) gullible, ignorant, foolish, and superstitious leaves me speechless.
The arguments evolutionist hypothesize more often than not boarder on the absurd. Talk about foolish and gullible; they’ll try to convince you evolution produced the Flamingo, I counter with the belief that only God would have made it pink.
I can assure you God exists, He happens to be a personal friend of mine.

I think I shall never see a poem as lovely as a tree. (Joyce Kilmer)
Eureka! Proof of evolution has been found! The missing link discovered! At least according to a recent contributor. How has NASA missed this guy?
Evolutionists always resort to their classic mode of defense when they throw a few high-sounding words around like, Devonian Period and Paleozoic Era. These men may, unfortunately, cause some people to buy into the evolutionary theory. To think a intelligent designer, or God, would have to be “diabolical” to allow some little bugs to eat a tree seems a bit of a stretch to me, and certainly does not bridge the gap between theory and fact. Some people may doubt the existence of God simple because some little bugs are eating trees, for me that only declares God’s handiwork
While there is life, there is hope. As the saying goes, “even the mighty oak was once a little nut.”

End Times
As the crescendo of the apocalypse swells, believers in the second coming of Christ and the judgment to come wait with bated breath; one eye on the harvest, the other on the horizon.
Our place on the continuum of human history has been called many things, the communication age, and information age among them. Whatever we call it I’m sure you’ll agree it’s an exciting time to be alive.
Our ability to watch history unfold is unprecedented. A typhoon here, an earthquake there, floods swallowing cities whole, a tornado or two hither and yon. Bloodshed and carnage ad nauseam— live and in color.
I believe the time is coming, and now is at hand, when only the most stubborn and rebellious will deny the reality of Bible prophecy coming to fruition. Whether near or far, can you think of anything more fascinating than the prospect of Christ’s second coming?
Jesus didn’t say worship me, he said follow me. His call is to service and sacrifice; a living sacrifice. Come die with me is the invitation. No wonder so few accept the way; Which by the way is the only way.

Disappearing Cities
A recent editorial discussed, “Our Disappearing Cities.” Talking about the migration of urban dwellers to the suburbs, or even beyond the suburbs to a region known as the “exurbs”. The editor – inadvertently I believe – called the mass exodus of urban dwellers to the suburbs… a people fleeing.
Fleeing, what a fitting judgment. My friends and neighbors often express the same sentiment, “I love my house,” they say, but then add, “I wish I could pick it up and move it”. Let me put it another way; the only people that live in the inner city are people who can’t afford to get out. People do not purchase the best home their money can buy, they buy into the best neighborhood they can afford. Until we can turn that reality around people will continue to flee.
Luckily, at this point, Toledo has many outstanding neighborhoods, with homes realistically priced for those with good paying jobs. However, inner city blight will continue to grow, and grow rapidly. As our aging citizenry retire to greener pastures, their homes often become investment property, (read rental property). Watch as those neighborhoods take a nose-dive As people flee, the cancer spreads.
Soon enough Toledo will be a mini Detroit; a nice place to visit, but I wouldn’t want to live there. But here we go again, like people lost in the wilderness, walking around in circles; still looking for political solutions for spiritual problems. Today it’s the Marina District and new sports arena promising a better tomorrow; but when tomorrow comes we’ll have our eye on some other magic program, or brilliant policy. Searching for some political messiah with Shakespearian eloquence; promising nirvana, delivering squat.
We will save this city, one child, one family, one soul at a time.

Defend the Truth
Men of God defend the truth from opinion and speculation. Gentleness and diplomacy are always preferred, but not always possible. The modern day image of Jesus as an effeminate Tiny Tim look-alike, flashing a peace sign and tip-toeing through the tulips has no basis in Scripture. Consider Christ’s blistering diatribe against religious hypocrisy.
The pages of history are saturated with spiritual madness. Our existence – from beginning to end – is documented in Scripture as a battle between good and evil. So how should Christians react to the social upheaval sparked by the unflattering caricatures of the prophet Mohammed?
Some souls are fragile and need to be handled with great care. Others are poisoned by hubris, pride rules their heart. No amount of logic, reason, or good old fashion horse sense will allow some people to genuflect at the altar of truth.
The three big world religions – Islam, Hindu and Christian - are not all equally valid.
Christianity, after all, is designed to be a proselytizing religion, commissioned to seek and save the lost. You’re not a narrow minded bigot to recognize that.
If the claims of Jesus are true, then the cross of Christ is the focal point of history. The decision you make concerning Him carries eternal ramifications, and nothing else truly matters in the end.
Battlefield earth is engaged in a fight to the death with spiritual forces of wickedness. We will never find political solutions to spiritual problems. The sooner people grasp this, the better off our world will be.
Militant evolutionists continue to miss the link between fulfillment of prophesy and the reliability of Scripture. Like it or not, the final curtain call on this drama of life will close with Christ victorious.

Dating Scene
I’m sure the dating scene in Toledo is the same as it would be for any city its size. Meeting someone is never the problem, especially nowadays with the internet. There are chat rooms and dating sites in abundance. Type in your zip code, search within a hundred mile radius of your home and you will have hundreds of potential partners to chat with. You can even narrow your search according to your interests, everything from Christianity to kink, and everything in between have their own web-sites.
The difficulty arises from what I call the Seinfeld Syndrome. I’m making reference here to the television sit-com known as “Seinfeld.” The stand up comedian Jerry Seinfeld, and his side kick George Costanza (Jason Alexander) never seemed to have a problem meeting and dating attractive women. But without fail some small annoyance would cause the woman to be rejected. During one episode Jerry was dating a woman who “scooped her corn giblets, but ate peas one at a time,” drove Jerry crazy. Another very attractive woman had what Jerry called “man hands.” Funny stuff on a sit-com, and like all situation comedies it is the element of truth that makes us laugh.
Like a drug addict hunting for his next fix, the intoxicating allure of love drives us on. What extraordinary lengths we travel, what enormous heights we scale hoping to find the magic of romance. Our hearts ache as we hunt, hope, and daydream about finding that special someone, our soul mate.
With such a strong desire for success why is the road of life littered with relationship corpses that have expired in their youth? Finding a partner is difficult under the best circumstances, God forbid if you pick your nose or fart.

Cultural Blinders
Contrary to popular opinion, outer-space is not the final frontier, death is. The hypothesis that there is life after death, and that we will meet God in judgment has both fascinated and frightened mankind from the beginning of time.
Throughout recorded history every culture, every society, every civilization, has believed their religious tradition is right and therefore pleasing to God. The evening news often shows Middle Eastern religious zealots swaying in hypnotic rhythm while flagellating themselves for the glory of God. Men so fearful of a God they don’t understand they can convince themselves they would rather see a woman in a burka than a bikini.
Our predominantly Christian heritage has no right to get uppity. The spirit that prompted the crusades and the inquisition stands in stark contrast to the nature of Christ. Christians have also fallen prey to the misguided notion that harsh treatment of the body somehow glorifies God.
Without a doubt Christianity has spawned its fair share of lunatics. Some men cloister themselves away in monasteries. These men read a few books, take a vow of celibacy and poverty, then don religious garb, stroll in the marketplace and delight when people fancy them “enlightened.” “They talk a good game,” Jesus said, “but their heart is far from me.” (Matthew 15:8)
Men from all religious camps have broken away from their host group and embraced hedonistic pleasures; some have even incorporated sex into their worship service. Pride keeps men from seeing the religious absurdity of their actions. It is pride that originally poisoned the spiritual lifeblood of mankind and the antidote for our tainted blood-line is humility. Just what does God require of us? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with Him. (Micah 6:8)

Chief of Sinners
Is it just my imagination or is this the most mud-slinging election season on record. Throughout history politics has been a nasty business, but this year seems particularly brutal, on the local as well as national level.
In order to understand any ancient manuscript – the Constitution or the Bible for instance – a little common sense would go a long way; unfortunately common sense is anything but common. If we really wanted to honor the manuscripts we hold dear, we would not twist the meaning to meet our own agenda, we would consider the religious, political and social setting in which the writing was penned.
In addition we would consider the character of the penmen. In their wildest dreams our founding fathers could not have imagined, “freedom of the press,” as a defense for internet porn. If they could have seen into the future I wonder how they may have reworded the Constitution.
As you know, our founding fathers wisely built a wall separating church and state. It is agreed upon my most that this wall was designed to keep government out of religion, not religion out of government.
A mute point, nevertheless, here we are, the world neck deep in a cesspool of immorality looking for political solutions for spiritual problems. (LOL) Some politicians do speak out of both sides of their mouth; to their shame they play the religious card for votes. But just because some candidate has a little spiritual backbone it is unfair and unreasonable to brand him as a hypocritical scoundrel.
Just once I would love to hear some politician say; “Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—of whom I am the worst.” (1 Tim 1:15)

The promise of change seems to be the catch phrase of this years presidential election. For any meaningful change to take place, locally, nationally, or globally, that change will need to happen in the hearts of men. Change the heart you change the behavior. New programs or policies, no matter how well intentioned, will not bring the meaningful and lasting change the world needs.
A warm home in a peaceful land, a pantry full of food, money in the bank, health. Everyone wants to be blessed with these things, it’s understandable, we live in a material world. We need to be careful, however, not to consider the unfortunate in our society and around the world to be living under a curse. That would be a mistake.
The United States has been exporting democracy tied to consumerism, and exploiting the poor in the process. If we had been exporting the golden rule instead of the rule of gold the world would be a much better place. Exporting love demonstrated by action, that, and only that, will produce the lasting change we need to survive.
All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players…” That was how William Shakespeare summed up his philosophy of life. The poet Dante Alighieri, viewed life as a “Divine Comedy,” a cosmic struggle of good against evil fought in the battleground of the human heart, soul, and mind. Jesus’ world view was colored through a kaleidoscope of love.
When God decides to drop the curtain on this “Divine Comedy,” when He turns the house lights on so to speak, won’t it be grand to be among the eternal sea of humanity that give Him a standing ovation and shout; Bravo Lord… Bravo! Well done!

Carty’s Messiah Complex
I got a kick out of the Maumee Dearest political cartoon of 12/21/05. To refresh your memory, it’s the one where Mr. Finkbeiner, realizing the city is advancing without his input, declares in exasperation, “Hey, stop toying with my Messiah Complex.” That tickled me to no end. The cartoon was meant to be funny, and it was.
Let me abruptly shift gears into serious mode. The Messiah Complex is a surprisingly common phenomenon. Messiah Complex defined literally refers to a person who thinks they are the Messiah. For a more general and generic understanding think of people who believe they’re spokesmen for God, whether prophet, priestess, mystic, shaman, spiritualist, the names may change but the mentality never does.
Most are harmless souls, others are downright dangerous. Consider the “Warrior for God” mentally of the 911 hijackers, or the numerous suicide cults we have witnessed.
People who think they’re doing God’s bidding when they are not cause more harm than good, both here and in the hereafter.
They are difficult people to reason with. Someone with a Messiah Complex would never say what the lampooned cartoon Carty said. If confronted and accused of having a Messiah Complex the person in question would likely parody the Walt Whitman line and say, “it ain’t delusional if it’s true.”
So what to do? How do we keep from being swept away in religious error? Stay true to Scripture. Speak where the Bible speaks; remain silent where the Bible is silent. Do not accept as doctrine the commandments of men.

Bible vs. Koran
A recent contributor to this Forum issued a warning against the religious right in presidential politics, his letter prompts this response.
The International Bible Society’s mission is to translate the Bible into every language known to man. There are organizations, like the Gideon’s for instance, who would like nothing better than to place a Bible into the hands of every human being. Then there are those heart warming individuals who will jump up and down at a football game – in full clown regalia no less – with a sign that reads John 3:16. I dig it all.
God, motivated by love, sent His Son, who delivered by example and teaching a blueprint for peace, equality, and of course eternal salvation. When leaders disregard Scripture as irrelevant I have to wonder who they think they are, and where do their think their leading us.
How refreshing it would be to see a presidential candidate step onto the stage and not tell us how exceptional they believe themselves to be, but rather hear them talk about what a wonderful, powerful God they serve. A dangerous leader is not someone who is religious, but one who thinks he or she is God’s gift to the world. Even an atheist can think that, the only difference being the atheist is a god unto themselves. Give me a humble servant any day, someone willing to acknowledge they are not God’s gift to the world, Jesus is.
The programs and policies the President of the United States enacts may have global, far reaching consequences. Wisdom declares a need to at least consider the possibility that Scripture is indeed inspired by God, and is therefore profitable, and certainty worthy of being considered in the decision, problem solving process.
You can run, but you can’t hide.

Behold the Man:
A delicate balance must be struck when dealing with the emotionally charged topic of religion. The Toledo Blade through the Readers Forum tries to accommodate the whole spectrum of beliefs. From impassioned creationists, to militant evolutionists. From conservative Christian, to angry atheist, everyone is given a voice, and that is how it should be; a modern day town-square.
All things considered only one question in life warrants serious contemplation. The question is this. Is Jesus who he said he is? What else really matters? Considering the eternal consequences attached to what an individual believes, and how that belief is applied to his or her life, it comes as no surprise disagreements can easily become heated. Arguing about religion is futile, simply state what you believe and why calmly and as plainly as you can and leave it at that.
The author C.S. Lewis summed it up nicely when he said Jesus was either a liar, a lunatic, [a diabolical genius] or in fact the Messiah, Son of God. The victory is His, and His alone. I’ve learned over time, and from bitter experience not to argue or debate, I simply declare.
Much of the Bible can be taken literally, other parts are figurative in speech, drawing truth from metaphors and the like. For me, the fulfillment of prophesy is what lifts the Bible to the realm of God ordained truth. Of one thing I am certain, a fairy-tale it is not.
The Cross of Christ is not merely some insignificant asterisk pointing to a trivial footnote on the page of an ancient history book. The Cross is the exclamation point of creation. As Pontius Pilot so succinctly stated — Behold the Man!